Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 - Midas VS His Family!

"Midas!? Midas, buddy!? Are you awake!?" Someone asked as Midas groaned and sat up from his bed.


"Oh, thank goodness. Listen up now. I need you to go to Misty Meadows and Sweaty Sands to investigate some activities with people who know about the Zero Point. Whoever you find... kill them and make sure they do not get in our way." It was John Jones. Couldn't he give Midas a break. He was bothered about twenty minutes ago asking if he could do some measures on his body and fire his gun, and test his physical strength. He just wanted to sleep. "Well?"


"Yes what?" He growled near enough silent.

"Yes, sir." Midas mummbled and left.


Remedy was trying to find a heart beat in (Y/N), but the gold was too thick. She didn't give up though as she then found a pulse in her neck.

"Yes! Thank goodness! She is alive!" Remedy sweated in relief and she made sure her heart continued to beat. "Why would Midas do this?" She saw her sad face, fully gold, her hands looked lifeless, also gold. "We will save you. Mark my word." She then went onto her computer to find any cures.


Meowscles and Kit were in their workout station as he shown his son how to lift up very heavy weights. Kit tried, but they were just too heavy for him.

"Don't worry, son! One day, you'll be just like your father!" He smiled as his back began to hurt. "Ow... my back."

"Pa? Are you okay?" Kit asked, running to his Dad. "What's wrong?"

"Just my back, son. Your old man is getting older and I am unable to work out as much, but I am still in good shape!" Meowscles clicked his back and began to do push-ups and sit-ups. "You do the same to. It is good for your muscles and bones!"

"Okay!" Kit did the same and found it exhausting. However, it will be worth it. "This is soo fun!"


"Any signs of any enemies?" Fade asked as Ocean looked around in her motorboat. "Ocean?"

"N-No! There are no signs of Shadow or Midas." She replied from her ear piece. Fade pressed his and replied to her.

"Ok. Keep looking!"


Oro appeared in the medical room and looked at (Y/N)'s golden body. Remedy gasped and stood up, picking up her pistol.

"Stay away from her! Don't do anything bad!" Remedy warned as she fired, but Oro beamed out some gold which made the bullet stop and fall to the ground. "W-What!? You have the power to?"

"I am the owner of it." Oro told her as he placed a hand on (Y/N)'s chest and began to use his power to try and reverse the effect of the Golden Touch. "This isn't easy. Midas is strong with the gift." He continued and the gold slowly left (Y/N)'s body, and retreated back to where she was firat touched. "There we go. She will never lose that hand print mark on her wrist." Oro stood up and looked at Remedy. "Do some check ups on her and make sure is still stablized. It will take time for her to recover."

"Y-Yes, sir." Remedy nodded and left to get some medical equipment.

"Now, Midas... Time for another visit." He chuckled and disappeared.


Peter, Marigold and Hansley all entered Hunter's Haven and saw some IO Guards defending the area. They also saw Mave and Kondor defending the area as well.

"Okay." Peter whispered. "What are we going to do about Mave and Kondor?"

"I'll fight Kondor." Hansley stated. The other two looked at him. "If I do, you two can kill Dad." Marigold and Peter didn't like the idea.

"No. I will." Peter argued.

"What? Why?" Hansley growled at his older brother.

"Dad has the Golden Touch. If he touched me, then he could kill me due to his power. My Emerald Touch will be more useful to face them."

"You have a point." Marigold said. "Let's sneak inside, Hansley."

"Okay." Hansley and Marigold sneakly went for the back enterance of the underground base.

"Now... time for some fun." Hansley smirked as his eyes turned into a glowing emerald as he yelled and charged for the IO Guards. He used his green beams to turn the guards into emerald as Kondor and Mave got their melee weapons out and charged for the teenager. They hit Peter across the chest as he fell onto the floor in pain. Blood spilled from his chest as he closed his eyes.


Marigold and Hansley entered the base as they saw that it was empty. Jo guards, nobody. Well... not yet anyway.


John Jones was pacing back and forth as he then saw the two kids. He looked at Marigold and then at Hansley who looked like a younger Midas. He growled and punched him across the face.

"Where is our father!?" Hansley screamed as John Jones yelped and pressed his ear piece and yelled.

"Midas! Get back here now! We are in dan-"


Midas hurried back to Hunter's Haven as he fell over along the way. It didn't bother him as he just ran and ran. It was now stormy and raining as Midas ran into the building. He saw Marigold and Hansley assaulting John Jones as he gasped at the sight.

"Get away from him!" He yelled as they stopped and looked at him.

"Daddy." Marigold whispered as he ran over to them and threw them to the floor with ease. They groaned and got up slowly.

"Boss. Get up. I'll handle these two."

"Good work, Midas." His boss coughed up slight blood before retreating upstairs.

"Now, now. What do we have here? Some teenagers that look angry. Aww, how sad." He chuckled evilly before grabbing Marigold by the throat, not hesitating to tighten his grip.

"Marigold! No!" Hansley kicked Midas in the side as the armour prevented any injuries. "Hmph!" He punched Midas across the face roughly. "You killed our mother! Your wife! How could you do this to us, Dad! You were the best Dad we could've asked for! We love you! We miss you! You done this to us and mom is now dead because of you!" Midas stared at Hansley and began to get a very bad headache. It just happened, his vision getting blurry. "Why don't you remember us!? Your family! Your friends! Your Henchmen! Your own home!" Hansley cried out as Marigold got her breath back and stood up.

Midas fell onto the floor and looked at them with wide eyes. He knew them. He really did.

"Dad! Your the king of gold! You are our father!" Marigold yelled and hugged him tightly. Hansley joined in. They both cried. Midas however, sat there emotionless. Not knowing what to do. "Please, Dad. Don't leave us..." She begged.

Hansley stood up and got out his own weapon, an Assault Rifle. He aimed it at Midas. He just stared at the young boy and the gun and closed his eyes.

"Say goodbye..." Hansley hissed and put his finger on the trigger. Marigold blocked his way. "Marigold! Get out of the way!"

"No! He is our father and you shouldn't kill him for revenge."

"B-But... He killed mother!"

"He is not himself! Whoever we saw must be controlling him!"

"I-I... I don't know what to do."

Midas looked at them as Marigold and Hansley stared at him. They sighed and walked past him to find the person that was with him.


Midas' POV...

I watched as the two kids ran past me to find my boss. I knew them. I really did, but what are they to me? One of them looked like me. I saw something sticking out of my back. I looked at it and grabbed it to pull ot off. Damn, it hurt. Wait... my kids! Hansley! Marigold! Wait, if they are here, then where is Peter! And (Y-Y/N)... I killed her...

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