Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - He's Okay!


Everyone got back to The Agency and Meowscles quickly took Midas to a medical room as Henchmen saw and called for the most equipped Ghost Doctors to come into work quickly, even though it was their week off. They obviously came in because they can't let their fellow agent team mates die from anything rash. It took them about twenty minutes for them to reach The Agency, and they quickly moved to the medical bay. They entered the room where Meowscles and (Y/N) were sitting around at. The doctors and nurses politely asked them to escort themselves out of the room since they need to test Midas for any infections from the bracelet that has recently controlled him.


It wasn't long afterwards that everyone was sat in the break room watching a film with all of the lights off. Meowscles, Skye, Peely were sitting on one couch while Maya and TnTina were sitting on the other one. There was also one empty one that can fit two people so (Y/N) was sitting on there with her legs out because she wanted to get comfortable. They all watched the movie and TnTina was beginning to fall asleep; not because it was boring, but because it was really dark in the room.


Meanwhile, the doctor and nurses finished testing on Midas, and they all came out negative which meant Midas had no infections from the bracelet. They stitched up his wrist and put some alcohol on it to prevent infections to get inside of the skin, and then he wrapped it up in a bandage. The doctor also decided to place a cannula slightly above his wrist for later blood tests. They realised that Midas was still unconscious in the medical bed, so they let him rest for a while.

"Bella? Can you go find someone to watch over the boss just incase something bad happens when he wakes up please?" The doctor asked politely as the nurse nodded and left the room and began to search for someone to do the job. She suddenly got an idea and headed towards the break room because she knew that if any of the top agents were worried then they were sometimes worry in the break room. Her prediction was indeed correct. She quietly and slowly opened the door and Meowscles looked at her knowing that Bella was a qualified nurse assitant to the best Ghost Doctor.

"Oh Bella! Hiya! Is everything okay?" The buff cat sat up and looked at her resting his arms on his legs that were covered by his blue kitty pants.

"Yes, Agent Meowscles. Everything is okay. The doctor wanted someone to come watch Midas for a bit of time since he is still unconscious." She spoke as this dragged everyones' attention as Skye paused the film with the remote.

"I'll do it!" (Y/N) quickly sat up with excitement in her voice.

"Uhm... Okay then." The nurse said and waited for (Y/N) to get to her. She led the younger woman to the medical room that held Midas in and opened the door, and there wasn't any doctors or nurses inside either. "Have fun now." The nurse smiled as she closed the door behind (Y/N) and walked off. 'Odd person'.


Meowscles, Skye and TnTina looked at Maya who seemed to have a pretty angry expression on her face.

"What is it, Maya?" Skye asked, still in her rather cheery voice as Maya scoffed and looked away.

"That girl... (Y/N) somehow managed to take my man away." She was furious, but... why at this point? Now isn't a good time since their boss in under medical care!

"Midas doesn't love you, and you know it, Maya. Besides, (Y/N) is completely different to you. She is happy, kind, faithful and also very sweet in personality. However, you are always soo quiet, self-centered and other things." TnTina spoke up the truth and Maya groaned at her pathetic excuse for words.

"At least I had a boyfriend before!" Maya snapped as TnTina chuckled as a reply. "What is so funny!?" Again... she snapped.

"You do realise that I am not interested in relationships, Maya. Besides, being single is the most fun in my eyes. I even got the bestest of friends!" She smiled as everyone else were all happy for the exploding type of girl.

"You know how me and Lynx broke up before and I still got this tattoo based on my love for her? Well, that doesn't assemble us anymore, but it is my friendship and loyalty for her and her decisions in life." Meowscles exclaimed as Skye looked at him with happiness and also a slight hint of shock.

Maya got up and left the break room to sulk in her room.

Peely just looked at them all in confusion and shrugged.

"Anyone up for some orange juice or cola?" He asked trying to change the awkward subject that surrounded the room moments ago.

"Cola!" Skye, Meowscles and TnTina yelled all at the same time as Peely chuckled and went to get the drinks.


(Y/N) sat in the medical room as she looked at Midas' wrapped up arm and sighed sadly. She didn't know what to do. She was bored... tired... lonely... hungry... also thirsty, but she would not leave her boyfriend's side until he is up and moving again.

"Midas? Please wake up... please?" (Y/N) whispered and held his shiny golden hand in her smaller palm and began to silently cry. "Please honey..." Her voice broke down in quick breaths as she began to do nothing but worry about his health.

In the mean time, she leaned on the bed and leg her head on his leg that was closest to her and closed her eyes slowly and found herself in a deep sleep. It was in a very uncomfortable position, but she felt slightly comfortable knowing that she is with her lover.


Meowscles drank his cola quickly and shook his head from the amount of fizziness he had just experienced. This made Skye giggle a little bit and she finished off her can of cola. TnTina was already finished with her can and she had been sitting down om the couch continuing to watch the movie. Peely was taking his cola slowly and still had half of it left.


Meanwhile, in the medical room there was small sounds of groaning as Midas began to open his eyes only to see a white surrounding with a TV, desk, some doctors equipment, a chair and... (Y/N) sleeping. He smiled slightly and used his hand that wasn't plastered up and used it to go through her hair. (Y/N) hummed quietly and leaned into the cold hand and continued to rest.

Midas then slowly sat up and drank some of the water that was left on the desk next to him and gulped it down like there was no tomorrow. He was that dehydrated that he would probably nearly beg for something to drink. He was also starving which made his stomach slightly hurt.

Suddenly, (Y/N) began to wake up as she yawned and looked up at him and smiled a little giving him a huge and warm embrace.

"I am soo glad your awake honey!" She nearly started to cry from the amount of happiness inside of her, but she managed to contain herself from letting those tears free since she didn't want her boyfriend to start worrying as soon as he wakes up.

"Glad to be awake. My stomach is killing me." He chuckled as (Y/N) moved away and Midas removed the covers off him and tried to stand up, but felt slightly unbalanced until (Y/N) held him up in a supportive position. They then walked at a slow pace to the kitchen to grab some food.

Once they completed their journey to the kitchen, Midas moved away to look in the fridge to see what there is to eat. There wasn't a lot their to grub on unfortunately.

"We'll need to go shopping soon." He whispered to himself and grabbed two packs of Steak. "You like Steak honey?"

"Yes. It's alright." (Y/N) replied softly and opened a cupboard with tins of food inside. "Hmm... Beans, tinned Sausages or Ravioli?" She grabbed a can of Ravioli and read what the expiration date was. Luckily, it expired in about 4 months time from that day on.

"Should we have Steak and Ravioli?" She asked wondering if that would be a good combination. Midas disagreed of course.

"I don't think that is such a good combo, (Y/N)." He spoke quietly to her as she nodded. "How about we just have some Ravioli for tonight? I am not in the mood to have this Steak." He put it back into the fridge wherr it belonged.

"Okay, sure." She smiled and opened up the tin and halfed it up and got it all ready to cook...

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