Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Helper!


Peter - Born First! Black hair, (E/C) eyes (Like (Y/N)'s eyes) and has an unknown power, yet to be shown. The shortest baby born.

Marigold - Born Second! Black hair, golden eyes (like Midas) and has thr Golden Touch. The tallest baby born.

Hansley - Born Third! Black hair, golden eyes (like Midas) and has the Golden Touch, but was born with an issue. The unusal baby born.


(Y/N) saw someone walk up the mountain towards them. This person was a man. Couldn't tell his age since he wore a mask, and matching clothing on his hands, arms, body legs and feet. The eyes were... white?

Maya saw him and gasped happily.

"Deadpool! You're alive!" She screamed with joy as he chuckled nervously.

"Did you forget that I can't die, Maya?"  Deadpool rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What are you doing here, masked face?" Meowscles stood up taking out his pistols. "Because if you mess with any of us, then you'll suffer my claws."

"Jeez dude, calm down! I am just to give you some news on The Agen- Authority! They have unleashed Shadow Henchmen to search for a body that was known to be seen a couple of weeks ago." He sat on the bench that Brutus built himself and saw as (Y/N) was looking at him curiously and asked.

"Who is this 'body'?"

"They saw that his clothes were ripped up. He had black hair and he looked like he died, but he was moving so... obviously he is not dead. I also heard that he turned a shark to gold. He smelt awful and wasn't capable of moving far because he was really skinny and rarely eats."

Meowscles and (Y/N) gasped as they thanked Deadpool and hurried back inside of the cabin.

"That's Midas!" They yelled at the same time and put the babies in the baby play pen.

"Tina? Can you watch the babies and Kit please?" (Y/N) asked as TnTina nodded and recieved a hug. "Thank you. Meowscles, Brutus and Skye... Let's go!"


Midas coughed up more water as he grabbed onto a floating log with his life and sighed. 'Will anyone ever find me?'

He vomited over the log and accidentally turned it to gold which caused it to get too heavy and sink. Midas had no idea on what to do as he tried his best to stay above water, but as soon as he couldn't keep himself up anymore, he was grabbed by... Meowscles!?

"M! We found you!" Meowscles dragged him up onto the boat as he panted heavily and when he saw (Y/N) he seemed soo happy.

"Midas..." (Y/N) crawled over to him and held him in her arms. "I thought you died." She began to cry as he placed a hand on her cheek.

"I'm..." He coughs a lot before finishing his sentence and began to puke overboard the boat while Skye was driving. (Y/N) rubbed his wet back and saw all of the rips in his suit.

When he stopped (Y/N) wiped face gently with some tissues she carried in her pocket and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you." (Y/N) said slightly happy and sad at the same time.

"I... love you to, d-dear." Midas managed to say as they hugged slightly. (Y/N) checked his weight by lifting up his shirts and she was shocked at his weight.

"What happened to you?" (Y/N) asked rubbing his cheek gently.

"Let him rest, (Y/N)." Brutus spoke as she nodded not saying another word. Midas looked at her and rest his head on her leg.


2 days passed...

"When do you think he'll wake up?" Brutus asked as a doctor shrugged and injected with something that Brutus had no clue about.

"It was a good job you found him because he could've died if he was left out there any longer." The doctors said placing a warm, wet flannel on his head. "This should raise his temperature."

(Y/N) and Meowscles were holding the babies waiting to be called in the room.

Midas' heart beat was normal as he slowly woke up with a flannel on his head, a cannula in his right arm, a plaster that was recently put on from injections, and his golden hands were in plastic gloves just in case anything turned to gold during check-ups and injections.

"Where am I?" He asked still lying down in the medical bed.

"Your in the hospital, boss." Brutus spoke, sitting in the chair that was placed right next to the bed.

"Why am I here?"

"You passed out on the motorboat, and you looked terrible."

"Where's (Y/N)!?" He remembered trying to sit up but Brutus pushed him back down carefully.

"Stay down. I'll get him." Brutus spoke calmly.

"No! Don't tell me what to do, Brutus. If I want to see her then I can." Midas was in rage at not letting him get up to see (Y/N).

The doctor walked over to them and sighed.

"Sir, we can't let you leave. You are in no condition to be moving around this early into you treatment." The doctor straightly spoke as Midas groaned deeply and closed his eyes.

"Bring her in here then?" He asked which sounded more like an order as the doctor nodded, leaving the room which left Midas and Brutus on their own.

"What was all that about?" He chuckled nervously as Midas looked at him with his scar eye.

"(Y/N) is my girlfriend and I should have every right to see her." He closed it again and waited.

"True... very true." He replied quietly and sat in silence as well, so he doesn't make Midas angry.


(Y/N) and Meowscles walked into the room while holding the babies which seemed really scared and tired.

Marigold was the first one to look at their father and made some noises. This caused Midas to open his eyes as he saw his children for the second time.

"Are these our children, dear?" Midas asked as she nodded giving him Marigold first.

Marigold sat on his lap as Midas sat up weakly holding her hand.

"She has the Golden Touch..." He whispered as his little baby girl giggled and lie down on him. "Hello... Marigold." He chuckled as she made loud, happy noises.

"Pa!" She laughed playfully as (Y/N) sat on the bed two as Meowscles put Peter and Hansley on the bed too.

"This one without the golden hands and (E/C) eyes is Peter, and the one with your golden eyes and the golden hands is Hansley." (Y/N) smiled as Hansley was slightly scared of his father.

"They are all beautiful." Midas smiled happily and gave (Y/N) a kiss on the lips.

TnTina, Peely, Kit, Maya and Skye all joined them all as they all had a long chat until everyone was escorted out for more check-ups on Midas.


It was about 2 months after that day until Midas was finally released from the hospital, and he got picked up in the choppa by Peely. Then they got back to the Brutus' home...

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