Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 13

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CHAPTER 13- The enemy

I slowly open my eyes with a groan and look around to see that I was sitting at the back of a moving truck. Everything was a little blurry as my glasses were not on my face.

What was happening? Where was I?

One second I'm lying on my bed then someone sneaks up on me and forces a cloth onto my mouth. It had a funny smell on it which was probably the reason why I passed out.

Not only was a very confused but felt....somewhat empty.

I try standing up but realise my legs are tied together.

How am I going to escape now?

Suddenly the truck comes to an abrupt halt causing me to fly over to the other other side of the truck with a loud thud.

I groan in pain as I hear voices coming from the front and I could just make out what they were saying.

"A delivery for Alpha Manson" a gruff voice says.

After a few ruffles of paper here and there I hear another voice answer.

"You may pass, carry along then"

The trucks back in motion and it's a pretty bumpy ride.

I was beyond confused at this point and wanted to go back. I missed logan and wanted him by my side. I mean we weren't on very good terms before I got kidnapped but I want to make things right.

Did he miss me?

Probably not.

A small tear drops from eye as I stare at the floor, thinking about how glad logan must of felt with me gone.

Suddenly the truck once again comes a stop but this time not as abruptly. I stay seated nervously waiting for what's coming next.

The door opens to reveal a strong looking man with an eyepatch. he climbs in with a cloth in his hand making me shrink into the corner with a terrified squeal.

He slams the cloth onto my mouth again and I'm once again come over with unconsciousness, telling myself that this was the end.


"Hmmm her figure could be a little. better but at least she has that hourglass shaped waist going on but that doesn't really matter at the moment. what matters Is that we have the alphas mate with us now"

My head hurts and my mouth feels dry. I hear voices talking. I slowly open eyes only to quickly shut them again as the brightness cutting into my eyes. I groan in pain as I gingerly raise my hand to my head.

"She's awake now sir" I hear a squeaky male voice say.

"I can see that Douglass" I hear another husky voice say.


Where have I heard that name before? It sounds so familiar.

Suddenly it hits me making me flinch a little. He was the guy that I met on the first day of school.

Was he a betrayer? So he's the one who's being passing the information on!

I angrily sit up, shielding my eyes from the light.

"Douglass you dick! How could you!" I shout in anger, fighting against the chains around my wrists. Now I could see everything.

Douglass stood right in front of me with another man. The man had dark chestnut hair and green eyes, his overall appearance looking dark, attractive and dangerous.

"Hmmm, she's a little fiesty isn't she?" He smirks as he stares at me with amusement.

"Indeed, it'll take a few days to accept the fact that I've betrayed Alpha Turner" he chuckles as he gives me a grim look.

"Douglass why?!" I scream, pulling at my chains.

"Easy there girl, I was always on Alpha Mansons side, Alpha Turner was just too stupid realise" Douglass laughs.

"You bastard!"

"Now Douglass, let's not rile her up to much, she's only just arrived here" he warns causing Douglass to bow his head.

"As you wish Alpha Manson, then I'll be leaving you to spend some time along"

He scurries off out of sight, leaving me and this prick alone. I was still struggling against the chains that were cold against my skin.

Alpha Manson turns to look at me and smiles grimly then says something that makes my breath hitch in horror.

"Now what to do with you?"

Ok I'm sorry this chapters so short! But I've been so busy these days! Please forgive me!


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