Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 11

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CHAPTER 11- Dancing with a charmer

Was he...logan?

We both stare at each other for a few seconds before the mysterious stranger breaks the silence.

"Are you alright?" He says with a small smile.

Something was wrong. his accent was definitely british and he sounded nothing like Logan. there was also something about smile...It had a different feel to it which of course left me sheer disappointment. But deep down I was grateful that someone had saved me from humiliation.

I immediately snap out of my thoughts and give him a weak smile.

"Yes I'm fine. Shall we go down before everyone starts calling us attention whores?" I say as I straighten myself up and offer him my arm.

"Yes, of course" he chuckles lightly as he takes my arm. His thick accent somehow sent shivers through me.

We both slowly walk down with ease. I clutch onto the strangers arm in case my legs give in again, which didn't seem to bother him at all.

"And Cinderella is now joined by Prince Charming, how cute is this?" The mc adds on, making me wince at how cheesy it all sounds.

When we reach down the stairs I realise I haven't asked his name yet.

"Thanks back there. May I ask your name?" I politely say as we continue walking the through the crowd of people that were dancing to the music.

"Christopher. Christopher Manson and your welcome" he casually says with a small smile as we stop to near the refreshments table.

"Nice to meet you"

"You too....and what was your name?" He turns to me while he swiftly pours himself a punch.

"Jamie willows" I curtly reply.

His aura radiated power. he must have been someone important and came from a well educated family, with his politeness and warm smile.

My thoughts shifted to logan. he was very different to Christopher.
He was an egotistic jerk and a total dick while Christopher was a real gentleman who still managed to maintain his dignity and pride. My blood boils at the thought.

'Now now, calm you self Jamie. Let's have some fun today and loosen up a little' I tell my self.

With a annoyed huff I scoop up some punch and pour myself a cup.

"Would you like to dance after drinking your punch?" Christopher offers, clearly sensing my current mood.

I needed to unwind and I was in a shitty mood so why not? Even if I danced like a fish out of water.


He offers me his hand after I put my drink down. I immediately take it and smile at him as he does the same.

We slowly walk towards the centre of the dance floor.

He lightly holds my waist while I place my hands on his shoulders with a deep sigh, hoping I wouldn't screw this up like I usually did.

"Are you feelin ok miss willows?" Christopher asks worriedly. he clearly knew how I was feeling even though I tried my best to hide it.

"Yeah...I just don't know how to" I avoid his gaze with a blush.

"Don't worry, you'll catch on. you seem like a smart lady" he smiles.

Taking careful steps to the beat, we glide across the dance floor.

Was this seriously a party or ball? Did Jacob fail to mention that? And where was he anyway? He had told me that he needed to go somewhere for a while before he went in and told me to go in first.

"So what plans do you have for the rest of the week?" Christopher suddenly interrupts my thoughts.

Probably sucking up to logan.

"Studying and sleeping" I dead pan.

"For real?" He laughs.

"Uh yeah, educations pretty important to me" I reply with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course it's important but your social life is important as well you know? Don't you get out much?"

The song is suddenly toned down a little setting a romantic mood, making me feel a little uncomfortable despite Christopher smoothly manoeuvring us around the dance floor with ease.

"Of course I get around! I-I have tons of friends" I lie, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

"Sure you do" he grins.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I say with a glare.

"No need to get feisty, you just seem too superior for anyone else" he calmly replies.

I guess he was right on that one.

The music changes and everyone leaves the dance floor but Christopher doesn't seem to make a move to get off.

"Aren't we meant to get off now?" I start panicking.

Everyone was literally off the dance floor and we were the only ones on it. A slow blush forms on my face as I see everyone watch us dance.

"Wouldn't hurt to dance a little longer"

So we continued to dance with everyones stare on us.

"Looks like Prince Charming and Cinderella want to dance for a little longer. how about you give her a kiss?" The mc suggests from the podium. where the hell did he come from? Has he watched us this whole time?

"YEAH! GIVE HER A KISS!" Someone calls.

Soon everyone's chanting 'kiss' and I was getting very nervous.

I turn to look at Christopher with an uneasy look.

"Maybe we should get off now" I suggest with a distressed face.

Christopher doesn't say anything, his face was expressionless as we continue gliding across the dance floor.

"Hey! Yoo hoo! Earth to Christopher! Please answer" I hiss as I frantically look around.

He still doesn't say anything making me agitated.

"You know what? If you're not coming off then I wi-"

Suddenly he grabs both sides of my face and kisses me with such passion.

I freeze as he continues kissing me.
Sparks flew everywhere and something felt so right. it was amazing. Our lips continue moving against each other as my body relaxes a little.

What was happening?

He suddenly let's go of my face and swiftly walks off the dance floor, leaving me in a daze as I watch him.

He soon exits through a door and I'm still on the dance floor with a look confusion shock.

Did he really just kiss me in front of everyone?

Hope you like it! Comment and vote! Finally a long chapter....well not really.

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