Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6- So things just go back to normal?

"So, you're like more than a thousand years old?"

"Yes Jamie, get that around your head before I make you" logan replies in a frustrated tone.

This was one out of a million questions I had asked. who can blame me? I had met a werewolf, shouldn't I be entitled to ask these sorts of question.

It was all surprisingly easy to accept, I hadn't freaked out or anything. Maybe for a long time in the back of mind, I knew the supernatural had existed. But as soon as the thought had crossed through my mind, I had always pushed it back, thinking I was being stupid. But now I knew for sure.

"How did you know I was in trouble?"

"I actually followed you.....cause I knew this kind of thing would happen" he guiltily admits.

"That's totally not creepy" I peer up with an eyebrow raised.

"I did it to protect you! What if they raped or killed you?! Killing them would of been too nice!" He shouts angrily.

"Ok ok ok! Calm yourself!"

He takes a deep breath and calms.

"Any idea why anybody would want to kill me?"

"Maybe someone hates my guts so they decide to go after what's most precious to me" he says as he stares at me.

"But who?!"

"I don't know! I thought it was the midnight pack but it's not. I realised it's someone close to me. That's why they can find out information so fast" he strokes his chin as he tries to figure out.

"Maybe we should discuss this later when I heal so we can come up with a plan to figure it out" I suggest.

"Good idea. we can play detective together" he grins as he strokes my cheek.

We stare at each other for a few seconds before I break the silence.

" what's a werewolf's life like?"

"Long" he laughs as I give him a death glare.

"It's true! I told you before didn't I? I'm more than a thousand years old but my physical self is about 18"

"Anything apart from that?" I roll my eyes.

"Well we do shift when we feel like it" he says in thought.

That's so cool!

"I am so going to write a report on this!" I squeal excitedly as I begin taking out my note book and pen from my bag that lay right next to me on the floor, only to be stopped by logan.

"Can you please hold back your nerdy instincts for at least a minute?" His face looked a little creeped out.

I glare at him as I continue writing my notes down.

"Now I'm going to interview you further more so please continue answering" I say ignoring his bored look.

"But Jamie!!" He whines like a little kid.

"I promise this will be the last question....for quit whining" I bargain

"Fine, but after this you're going to listen to everything I say" he caresses my cheeks softly with a frown.

"Ok ok ok!" I whine as I try to cover my embarrassment.

He looks ready to answer the questions.

"What does it feel like when you shift into a wolf?"

He thinks for a second. then a soft vulnerable look crosses his face making me melt and feel fuzzy inside but of course I keep this to myself.

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