Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4- The terrifying truth

"PUT ME DOWN!" I cry as I attempt to wipe my tears away.

He walks into a dark room with me still on his shoulders. He scans the room then let's me down carefully.

This was my chance to run. I lurch towards the door only to find myself in his arms again.

My glasses nearly fly off my face when he roughly shoves me against the wall.

"Jamie, I-I'm so sorry but I had no choice" he whispers softly as he caresses my cheek. He doesn't meet my eyes which makes me more angry.

His touch felt soothing and I calm down a little. But reality hits me like a ton of bricks which makes me squirm again.

"I wanted to protect you but I never knew it would be this hard" he looks as though he's about to cry.

I felt sorry for him even if I had no idea what he was talking about. But I was still angry and I'm determined to keep it that way.

"Protect me from what? I need someone to protect me from you, not the other way around!" I'm so confused.

"I know, I know....but now I'm going to protect you. I can't take it anymore. Every time I tried to hurt you, it felt like knives cutting through my heart, it hurt so much Jamie" he grabs my face gently caressing me with his thumb. Jolts of electricity ran through my body, making me blush.

"You have no idea what you do to me" he gently tucks a strand of hair behind me ear. It felt so peaceful and I wanted his touch forever but i couldnt.

I shove him back .

"You really do think I'm easy don't you? well news flash! I'm not the Jamie you think I am! Don't take me as some who can easily be wavered!"

I head towards the door, this time logan doesn't stop me. I admit I was a little disappointed but i wasn't going down without a fight.

"Jamie! I'm going to love you more than ever! I'll guard you with my life!" I hear him call.

I stop for a second but keep walking towards the door.

What is that piece of lowlife going on about? Probably just pulling hair out of his ass thinking I would fall for it.


Who did was he? My fucking knight in shining armour? Stop playing with me logan tuner!

School had just ended and I hadn't seen logan for the whole day after that encounter. not that wanted to see him or anything. I was just curious. What was he going in about before? Protecting me from what?

'Who cares about him, let's forget this ever happened and just try survive school ok Jamie?' I tell myself.

I get onto the bus and start reading my book to distract myself. My brother tells me to not read when I'm on transport or else I'll get sick but I'm a rebel so too bad.

I was reading a cheesy romance story about some guy who loved this girl. What can I say? I'm still a girl and I need a little entertainment in my life.

I begin to read:

*Servant rushes to Charles side*

"Why did you do that Charles?" His servant questioned as she watched Belinda walk away in tears.

"Because I love her and this is the only way I can protect her. Once they realise she's the one I love, they'll come after her and kill her and I can't have that happening to the only one I ever loved"

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