Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12- Trouble


I slowly shut the door behind me with a long sigh.

Why did things have to be this way? I loved her so much but why did she have to make things to complicating.

I mean I've tried everything for her! Wasn't that enough?! Why was she being so selfish? I know it was rash if me to ask her if she was on her period and basically ignore her at school but wasn't my love enough?

Well at least for tonight I got show how I truly deceiving her.

I begin taking off my suit and tie then slowly un doing the mask. I take it off my face and let it drop onto my bed. I then strip down into my boxers and put on a plain white t-shirt and sweat pants.

After basically getting rid of all evidence that I was at the ball (AKA: shoving everything into the back of my closet in a plastic bag) I plunge into my bed and close my eyes in thought.


"Alpha Turner do you really want to do this?" Jacob asks as he looks up from his laptop.

"Yes Jacob. it's the only way I'll ever show her my affection. I'm still selfish Jacob, putting my pride first before anything else....even Jamie. I'm a bad mate aren't I?" I reply with a sad look.

"Well if I were Jamie id say you're the most selfish ass hole in the whole world" he smirks.

"Thanks for making me feel better" I roll my eyes.

"-But if she just saw things in perspective I think she'd say you're a kind and caring alpha who ensures the safety of his pack as well as his mate equally. but if I'm being honest alpha turner, maybe being cold to her at school is going a little too far"

I reflect on Jacobs words and realise he's right but it was so hard to fight my demons. I thought if Jamie came into my life things would be different but I'm still the same selfish beast who only cared about his pride and thought he could get whatever he wanted.

"Writing out a whole essay for me as usual Jacob" I finally smirk as I stand to leave.

"So I will pick Jamie up on Wednesday to take her to the ball then you'll take things from there I presume?" Jacob says, ignoring my remark.

"Yes Jacob, but make sure she doesn't run away or anything" I sigh as I fix my tie up.

"Yes alpha.....and the car is ready for your visit to Miss Bonnatine

"Then I'll be off, wish me luck"

~30 minutes later~

"Now to truly capture the British accent I want you say you words a little more lightly and jolly"

I internally groan as I lamely attempt the darn accent again but end up sounding something across a cowboy and someone a little too high.

"Ok, I want you to repeat after me: I would like some tea and scones please" miss Bonnatine drags out each word.

"I would like some tea and scones please" I shakily repeat trying my best to keep the accent going.

After repeating the line: 'I would like some tea and scones please' another 50 times we move onto other words and lines. Then when my voice begins wearing out we finish it off for today.

"We'll finish with the accent lessons for today and start with our manners and dance skills" she claps her hand as goes to put some ballroom music on.

God I hope it's worth it. I'm only doing this for you Jamie, you're the only thing keeping me sane here. I'm only doing this because it's you.

-Flashback over-

But it was totally worth it. tonight she looked beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off her...and when I touched her, the connection that she and I had felt so deep and wonderful I would sop over it all night like a little pussy. Not to mention the incredible kiss we shared at the end.

But even though I was Christopher why did my pride still try to get in the way of it? I don't know what happened but I suddenly became emotionless as I tried fighting it...the beast within me....then without thought just slammed my mouth onto hers before it was too late.....before I lost her again....and it was as if the world, my pride, my pack didn't mean anything to me anymore. all I needed was her....Jamie I need you. That made me realise how strong my inner beast still was, strong enough to hinder my bond with her for even a second. I needed to fight it with all I could for the sake of Jamie.

I suddenly snap out if my thoughts as I hear the door being opened from downstairs and instantly sit up like a puppy dog waiting for it's owner. I suddenly realise how pathetic I must of looked after doing so and sigh.

'Jamie, what are you doing to me? Turning me into a full on softie' I think to myself as I slowly walk to the door

"Gosh these darn heels are killing me!" I could here her complain followed by a clatter, she must have tripped over something.

Typical Jamie I think myself with a smile as I slowly creep to towards the door and open it slightly just to see her tip toe towards her room. But just when she reaches her room she trips and falls with a painful groan, making me want to run up to her and carry her in my arms.

But I held myself back. Now wasn't the right time.

She massages her heels then slowly pull her self back up. She then turns the door knob and walks into her room with a tired sigh.

I stare at her door for a few seconds before closing my own.

I turn my back to the door and sit on the floor as I leaned against it.

I'm going to have to make things right...very soon.


The next day I wake up with a groan as I check the time.

It was 6:30.

I usually woke up early so I could check on Jamie. I'm not a creep ok? I just wanted her presence by my side once in a while.

I made my way to her room as quiet as possible and opened her door with a creak....only to find it empty.

Huh? She's usually peacefully asleep until 7:00 then comes downstairs for breakfast at around 7:40.

Where was she? Maybe she went early somewhere? But where?

I walk in and look around in slight confusion until my eye catches something on the bed.

I slowly walk towards it to find a piece of paper with writing on it. I lean down to pick it up and read it.

My face immediately changes into a horrified expression as my breath hitches in my throat.

It can't be.

This can't be happening.

In thick black letters a message was spelt out loud and clear:



MWA ha ha ha!!! How was it? Vote and comment!

I'm sorry if anyone looked forward to a love triangle forming between Jamie, Christopher and Logan but I didn't want to get into that cliche crap. But don't worry, for all those people who love triangles I have one planned that involves two rivals, one being Logan and the other the enemy.

Oh no! have I said too much? ;)

QOTD: What's going to happen next?

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