Nerdy and the Beast- Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3- Why are you so cruel?

I wake up, not wanting to go to school. Again.

But I knew my education was more important then anything. it was my ticket to a better life and a getaway from this life I'm living.

Yeah we we're still paying the bills and getting food onto our table every day....thanks to my brother. And dad would sometimes send us some money once in a while. But our life was very basic. I've never been on a holiday before and I don't even own my own mobile phone! I'm not materialistic but I've always wished for something more in life.

After changing and brushing my teeth I run upstairs to fetch some money from my savings jar for lunch today. I shake the jar to find it completely empty.

where did my $300 dollars go?


I boil with anger as I storm into my mums room, only to find her in bed with another man.

"Oh, good morning Hun" she yawns.

"That's my daughter" she says to man next to her.

"What did you do with my money?" I say through gritted teeth.

"What money?" She laughs.

I shake the jar at her in answer.

"Oh that, just saw it lying around so I took some of it" she replies casually.

"Some of it?! You took everything! You know how hard I worked to earn that money!!!" I scream.

"Don't shout at your mother like that! I'm your mother! You should at least give me a little money once in a while" she huffs.

"You're not our families income so why should you deserve any bit of my money! You're lucky enough to be fed and live here! You're useless and a waste of time!" I shout as I storm out of the room.

"Jamie willow how dar-"

I cut her off with the slam of the door.

Grabbing my bag, i walk out, ignoring my mums shouts and calls.

I run as fast as I can until my house was out of sight. tears starts brimming but I take a deep breath and swallow my anger as I keep walking.

After walking a couple of minutes my stomach starts grumbling. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I guess I'll have to starve today.


"You may now pack up" the teacher dismisses us.

Everyone cheers as they run out the door. I glance at Logan's seat, only to find it empty. damn he's fast.

Someone taps my shoulder from behind so I turn to see Jacob smile at me.

"Let's have lunch together" he smiles.

"Didn't you get invited to the popular table?" I say confused.

"Yeah, but I'd much rather sit with you so lets go" he says as he drags me out the door.

We find a table at the cafeteria and sit.

'Why does he want to sit with me? Do I even deserve this?' I think to myself as he gets out his lunch.

He starts eating then stares at funnily me after a couple of seconds.

"What?" I question.

"Where's you lunch sunshine?" He asks.

"I'm not that hungry" I mumble.

As soon as I say that my tummy rumbles really loudly, making Jacob laugh.

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