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Jimin's pov
Bright flash turn to me when I open my eyes. I look around. And second that I feel myself sitting on a chair and being tie up. I struggle and wanted to cut of the rope but there is no used. But then I heard a door open. The man just stand there for awhile. I can't see his face because behind him have light.

But then he slowly walk to me and I keep my eyes on him. He slowly walk to me until I can see his face.

"Well we'll. Look who we have here. We have the Park Jimin. Which is my Roseanne's boyfriend" he smirk. Did he just say my Roseanne? I look at him angrily. "Who are you? WHY DID YOU JUST MENTION ROSÉ" he laughed at me and I still glare at him.

"HAHAHAAAA...look at you. Try to find Chaeyoung? Sorry...I need to do this to you because my friend here need my help" he pointed behind him.

Waiting for the person that coming from his back and my eyes widen. "Ch-Chanyeol??" I look at him surprised. He smirk and stand beside the other guy. "Thanks Baekhyun-ah. I own you so much. Now I can get Chaeyoung by myself" and that's make me yelled at him.


"Heyy baby. Miss me?? I bet you miss me after I go out from your house" she smirk. "YOU!!! You fucking slut!! Why can you just stop it SEULGI!!" she smirk and walk to me by that bend down and she touch my chin.

" I will stop until you didn't see Rosé anymore. I mean should I kill her after this? She's coming you know" then I saw the Baekhyun guy talk to the phone and laugh. Not a normal laugh but the evil one.

I look at Seulgi and she smirk. She caressed my cheek "Jimin...why can't you just love me? Why must be that slut Park fucking Chaey—" "DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER A SLUT!! The only slut that I know is you Seulgi.YOU!!!" then she slap me.

Chanyeol just stand the watch every move that Seulgi did to me and the Baekhyun guy come to us after he make a call. "Seulgi that's enough. Let's finish everything at outside she's coming" Seulgi nod and look back at me and smirk "Say goodbye to your precious girlfriend Park Jimin. HAHAHAHAAAA" and the walk away closing the door.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!" I yell. I look at my lap and burst into tears. They call Chae. To come here. Seulgi try to kill her and and Chanyeol want Chaeyoung. Why is this so difficult. I bet they can't kill her. Chanyeol will took her. But I didn't believe that Chan will do this!? ARRRGGHHH!!!

Chanyeol's pov
After we walk out from the room that we lock Jimin in. Baekhyun left and waiting for Chaeyoung to come. I sigh and Seulgi stand in front of me with a smirk "You did well Chan. Looks like you really love your friends." She smirk. I choke her "Don't you do anything to them or else you will die by my own hand" she push my hand away and she look at me that her face is really close to me "You didn't want to see Jimin and Chaeyoung did you. Try to make another move I will do what I should do to Chaeyoung and Jimin." By that she turn around and walk away from me.

I begin to punch the wall and kick everything that inside the hallway. How can I save Jimin and Chaeyoung in the same time?! I bet Jimin really hate me right now. But I can't!!I was force to do it. Baekhyun is starting to obsess with Chaeyoung and Seulgi wanted Jimin by herself.

This people is crazy!!

[Flashback Chanyeol]

He was sitting on the bench at the park after send Chaeyoung go back. Yes it's the night that he and Chaeyoung hang out because she just broke up with Jimin. Chaeyoung ask him if he get him self a girl. Actually Chanyeol like Chaeyoung. Yes. He like Park Chaeyoung. But he know that he can't have her. Because he know how much Jimin love her and how much Chaeyoung love Jimin. They both love each other.

Chanyeol can't do anything but just be her best friend that always by her side whatever is coming to her.

Just being her best friend is the best for him. Even he not the guy that Chaeyoung love. Seeing Chaeyoung happy is his happiness too. Being her friend is already good to him.

He sitting on the bench so long that he didn't even notice that someone sit beside him. "Looks like someone is in love but the girl that he fall in to is taken I see" the girl say. Chanyeol eyes widen knowing the voice. He chuckled"Who say I'm fall in love. I have my own life. Who needs a girlfriend anyway. Not like someone is obsess with a guy that never love her back" Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

Seulgi look at Chanyeol and chuckled"Well I love him. It just he just blind didn't saw me. Oohh..I just wanted to tell you that I wanted to make Chaeyoung's life miserable" she smirk and she stand up try to walk away but Chanyeol grab her wrist tight.

"Don't you ever hurt Chaeyoung" Chanyeol say with an angry eyes. She chuckled and smirk "If you don't want me to hurt your precious best friend. Then help me with one thing" Chanyeol started to lose his grab on her wrist and she smirk.

"Anything to save Chaeyoung from her. I will do it "Chanyeol thought. He sigh and look at her "What did you want me to help" she then laugh out loud "Look at you willing to help just because of Chaeyoung? You guys are so whip for her. Hhmmm... let's make a deal. If you want to save Chaeyoung from me to kill her. Let her be with my friends and kidnap Jimin for me" she said. My eyes widen "Did you just let Chaeyoung with a stranger while you having Jimin??ARE YOU INSANE!!" he yell. Seulgi just stand there chuckled"He's not a stranger. He know Chaeyoung anyway. And yes I want Jimin"

Chanyeol can't do anything. His best friend and his best friend's lover is in danger. "I'm sorry Jimin, Chaeyoung-ahh..but I need to. For both of you" Chanyeol thought. He sigh "Fine!! I'll help you. But you must promise me don't hurt both of them" he feel guilty. "Of course I will not. HAHAHAHAHA.." she smirk then left Chanyeol. While Chanyeol feel really bad. But it's for Chae and Jimin.

Hey there Sunshine ☺️
I finally update!!!I hope you guys love it😔 because I feel like I'm not a good writer 😔. Anyway can you guys comment some feedback if this book is good or not. Because I feel like I make this book boring😔. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and stay safe at home ya. Don't forget to


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