Before you read this, go follow EmilyForever14 because they inspired me to do this and they have a 30 day OTP book with Carla and Monty. So read that and go follow them. They deserve it.
Changed the cover 3/31...
Explanation: After Monty fixed Penny physically she still needed to be in Monty's house for a while to... 'recover' mentally. So, Kid would go there everyday with the approval of his parents and watch a bunch of movies with her since Monty's always busy with work. ________________________________
(Kid's POV)
I was happily walking to Monty's house. Me and Penny were gonna hang out again. I finally got to the front door and knocked on the door. And the robot girl wearing a blue dress answered. But to my surprise, this time she wasn't wearing the blue dress she would normally wear. She was wearing a Squirlte Onesie. And, dear god, she looked adorable.
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"W-what are you wearing?" I ask her, my face goin warm when I stuttered. "It's a squirtle onesie Monty bought for me! He let me play the Pokemon Go video game on his ps5 and it was super fun! I'm not done playing it but the starter pokemon I chose was Squirtle! Guess why?" I rolled my eyes "Because he was blue." "Exactly! How did you know?" I raise my eyebrows "Penny you're literally obsessed with the color blue." Her expression turns into something I cannot desribe with words. If it was a cartoon her face would be (•-•) "Oh." She muttered and I chuckled.
"Anyways, can I come inside? It's freezing!" I ask her. "Oh sorry, come in!" As I walked in I asks her "How did you even get Monty to buy you that? He normally buys things for himself or something..." That was a question I intended to ask earlier but forgt. Penny shrugged "I don't know. I didn't even tell him to do that. He just bought it." I hum.
But then something hit me. Was it possible that the ginger black market crippled known as Monty could have a soft spot for a robotic blonde girl that I paid him to fix a few days ago? I mentally gasp.
But then Penny says "But I guess he also has to warm up to me being his little sister." My eyes widen. "What do you mean 'little sister' Penny?" I ask. "Oh, he didn't tell you? He told his parents about me and the decided that when they get home they're gonna adopt me. Isn't that great? I'm gonna have a family again!" She smiled at me. That's freaking awesome but why the HELL didn't Monto tell me sooner. Where is he anyway?
"By the way, what movie are we watching?" She asks me. Everytime we watch movies at Monty's house we take turns in picking the movie. And it was my turn so I picked 'Us'. And no, I didn't forget it was kind of a scary movie nor did I forget that Penny hates scary movies. I know what I'm doing. I picked a Horror Movie so that whenever Penny got scared she could just hug me. Genious am I right? Yeah, that's when I realised I was crushing on the robot girl.
Finally we were in the living room and on the couch. We got the blankets and the popcorn. I took the remote and opened Netflix and put on the movie 'Us' and Penny immediately looked at me nervously. "Uhh... T-this isn't a-a Horror Movie... Right?" I instantly regretted every decision I made in life seeing her adorable scared face. "Uhhh... Well, I wanted to try something new and... I saw this movie and it was cool so I wanted to show you." I give her a nervous smile. "O-ok... I hope it's not that scary."
After a few minutes into the movie Penny jumped and hugged me. So I put a hand around her shoulder to calm her hand.
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(Only difference is he has his hand around her shoulder.)
We stayed like this as the movie comtinued. Everytime there was something scary on screen I would cover her eyes and she didn't mind because she was really scared.
Eventually the movie I stopped the movie because she fell asleep. I don't know how she fell asleep during a horror movie but she looks peaceful so I won't wake her up. We were still in the same position as earlier but less tense and scared. So I decided to sleep too. My parents, hopefully, won't mind.
But then I hear whimpering coming from my robot best friend. Oh no... I knew she was gonna be scared but I didn't know I'd give her nightmares. I didn't know what to do, so I just kissed her forehead and wiped her tears. For some reason that actually got her to calm down. And she stoped whimpering and her frown relaxed and... Is that a small smile I see? I inwardly chuckle as my eyes also become very heavy. And so, I drift into the world of dreams with my best friend right beside me. ________________________________
Next Day: A First Meeting
Also some of the chapter will either be posted today or on Friday. Because school. It's Sunday in my time btw.