(9) Hanging Out With Friends (9)

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All the gc mispellings are on purpose. Billy is a fast and careless typer.

They are 16 in this

Friend group:

I am unmotivated so this is kinda short.

(Kid's POV)

I was on my bed. It was nighttime and I was texting my friends. We planned to hang out tomorrow and we were discussing where.

Billy: I git it!

Monty: *got

Carla: Rlly?

Billy: Ye! We csn go to tjis resturant I foumd out avout ystrdai!

Monty: *can *this *restaurant *found *about *yesterday

Kid: Bruhhh

Billy: stpp bullyung mwh ;-;

Monty: It's not my fault you don't know how to spell. -_-

Lily: Anyway, what Billy was talking about is this Pizza Restaurant our parents took us to yesterday.

Nugget: Nugget senses that The Pretty Lily is chatting in the group chat.

Billy: simo

Billy: simp*

Kid: simp*

Lily: ._.

Penny: Can we please stay on the original topic -.-

Billy: oh rght. Anywsy I thonk it'a csllrd Jrff'a Pizza.

Kid: Bruhhh the only word he spells right is frickin' "Pizza"

Billy: ;-;

Lily: It's called Jwff's Pizza.

Lily: Jeff*

Billy: HA! She mispelled "Jeff!"

Billy: Swe? In mpt thw pnly onw thst mskes spellimg midtakes! UwU


Penny: So anyways, what time are we meeting up?

Lily: At like.. 11:00 AM

Carla: Ok

Billy: UwU

Monty: K

Penny: Okie dokie! Thanks Lily!

Nugget: Nugget will be able to come. Do not worry, Pretty Lily.

Kid: Bruhhh

Billy: wbu Kid?

Kid: Penny's coming right?

Penny: Yep! :3

Kid: Ok. I'll come.

Penny: >_>

Nugget: Friend Kid is. A. Simp

Billy: simo

Billy: wth I mesn simp*

Kid: Bruhhh

I put my phone down. And start to sleep.


We were sitting on one of the tables eating pizza. After we finished eating pizza we dared Nugget to go inside of the ballpit. He did and we waited for a few minutes. When he didn't come back for 7 minutes me, Lily, and Penny were a bit worried. But the others just brushed it off and played some of the arcade games. I was playing a ring-toss game and managed to toss 10 rings. And I won a prize. A freaking adorable as heck panda plushie.

I was running to show the others when I saw Nugget emerge from the ballpit and he ran towards me. "Nugget has seen things in that ballpit... Nugget is amazed. He has never seen a time travelling ballpit before. 1985 sure was a terrible time." I was about to question him when he saw my panda and said "That is a very cute panda. Did Friend Kid win it?" He asked. I completely forgot about anyhing else and nodded and told him "I was planning on giving it to Penny..." Then I immediately regret it when Nugget said "And Friend Kid says that Nugget is the simp."

I gave it to Penny and she liked it.

Next: First Pet

30 DAY OTP CHALLENGE (Penny x Kid)Where stories live. Discover now