(10) First Pet/Child (10)

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So yeah, I was grounded last week :P Thank God it's holy week rn and we have no class -w-

Also, in the last chapter I changed 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' to 'Jeff's Pizza' to make it less obvious that it was a fnaf reference. (Fun fact: there are 2 chapters that have Fazbear Fright's references)

I'll start updating today and I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.

This chapter will be two parts. One for Pet and one for Child.

(Penny's POV)

It was raining at nighttime and Alex was walking me home, good thing he had an umbrella.

As we were walking I spotted a wet kitty with blue-grey fur near the sidewalk. I felt bad for it because cats hate water. I brought a bag with me so I opened I and felt around for a specific thing. When I finally found it I held Alex's hand and pulled him toward the cat. I knelt down and put a dry tissue on the ground and placed a cookie on it. The kitty sniffed it for a bit and then started biting it.

Satisfied, I stood up and smiled at Alex. We continued to walk back to my house. Then Alex looked at me and said "You're so sweet, you know that?" I giggled in response.

(Next Day)
(Kid's POV)

I was walking to Penny's and Monty's house. I couldn't stop thinking about how she helped that kitty last night. That was really sweet of her. As I knocked on the door my response was "Come in!" That's strange. Normally, Penny would answer the door and give me a bone-crushing hug.

But I came in anyways. The first thing I saw was Penny on the couch, holding a tiny little blue-grey cat. "Hi Alex! Look! I named him Friend!" She told me. I was confused and it was obviously visible on my face. When she saw my look she said "Oh! This is the cat I helped last night! He came meowing at my door this morning and I decided to keep him as a pet! Mom and Dad even said they'd get a collar tomorrow!" She told me as she made space for me on the couch. I sat down as she said "I love him so much!" I chuckled.

She hugged the cat and started singing

(Alex's thinking will be in bold until Penny stops singing. Also, I changed some of the words)

"Blue cat!

Blue Friend!

Blue cat!

From the day when we first met,

You followed in my every step!

Now you've got me on the mend!

Tell everyone

'Hey look! I named him Friend!'

Calm yourself and some blue!

Never one, forever two!

Love you for the rest of time!

Don't forget to sub with Prime!"

I got kinda confused with most of the lines but I just listened to her beautiful voice sing.

"Friends together!

Friends whenever!

Friends remember!

Friends forever!

You know even though I'm a robot,

I will always love you the most!

Blue will take the pain away!

So we can see the sun another day!

Forget about the days of past!

Our friendship is the one that will last!

You know we can make it through,

Me and you.

So give everyone a little bit of blue!"

I clapped as she stopped singing. "What song was that?" I asked her and she responded with "Blue by Derivakat! I really like that song!" She smiled. I chuckle.

In this part of the chapter the are 22 and are married.

Also idk how adoption and forstering works so just bare with me.

(Penny's POV)

Me and Alex were in the orphanage. Since a robot can't really give birth we decided to foster a kid and see if we like them. Then we'll adopt them depending on what we think.

They took us to the first room to meet the children. She took us to a room with a blond boy, a brunette boy, and a brunette girl. I walked up to them and said "Hi! I'm Penny! What are your names?" The brunette boy looked at me and said "Hello! I'm Wilbur!" My eyes went wide and I squeled in the inside. He had a british accent too, which was perfect. He pointed to the blond boy and said "That's Tommy." I internally squeled even more. He pointed to the girl and said "That's Niki." Niki waved at me and I waved back. Ok. We are forstering these three. No other child in the orphanage can change my mind. But we had to meet the other children anyways. But my mind is already made up.


When me and Alex finally met all the children the care-takers of the orphanage met up with us in the main room to figure out our desicion. As soon as they asked who we wanted to adopt I immediately said "Wilbur, Tommy, and Niki!" I looked at Alex and he smiled and said "I saw how exited the made you so yeah! We're gonna be fostering those three." I yelled happily and pumped my arms in the air.

The care-takers said they will tell the three that we will be adopting them and to pack their stuff.

We waited for a while until we saw a familliar brunette boy and his friends walk... Or run... Up to us. Wilbur hugged me and said "Thank you so much Ms. Penny! We promise to be good!" I laughed and hugged him back. Since Tommy was 3 I picked him up and carried him while my free hand held Wilbur's. Alex was holding Niki's hand behind me while we walked to the car.

Someone please get the references TwT

Sorry for not updating, again, I was grounded.

Next Day: Protecting Eachother

30 DAY OTP CHALLENGE (Penny x Kid)Where stories live. Discover now