(16) Death (16)

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This was supposed to be the 19th chapter, but I've been thinking about this ALL WEEK.

Explanation: An AU where the timeloops never stopped when Kid completed 'Creature Feature' and got the secret ending. So he went insane. So he and P̴l̵a̶y̴e̴r̷ had a deal. Kid blows up the whole school, kills everyone, and resets, then the  timeloops stop.

This sad ig

Kari is here because I want more angst. I also ship Kari with Jerome.

Also, this is inspired by RosalinaHeart's 'If Wilbur Blew Up L'manberg' TikTok Series.

There will be multiple ships in this chapter.

Enjoy :)

(Kid's POV)

I walked inside of the school. It's the 142nd reset. The 142nd timeline. This timeline is different though. For one, Kari didn't have Pnemonia in this one and can go to Kindergarten. And two, this would be the last timeline. I finally had a plan. A way to escape from this cycle of insanity. To escape the hellish cyle of seeing myself and my friends die. Whatever it takes. Whoever dies this time. It'll be worth it.

I told my sister to talk to Jerome and make new friends and walked over to Carla. I handed her the bomb from the 'Things That Go Boom' mission. Before she could say anything, I flatly said "I gave that to you because I want you to do somethings for me." Carla's eyebrows raised. "Oh? I should've expected that. What do 'ya need?" "I'll tell you later. First, I need you to distract Bob while I open the grate and get Nugget out. Then we can talk near the grate." Carla nodded and walked over to Bob and started talking to him.

I pulled out the screwdriver that he gave me and started walking towards the sewer grate. I knelt down and started unscrewing the grate. "You let Nugget out! Thank you very much! Here is a Nugget Of Friendship!" He gave me the stupid Nugget Of Friendship and I put it in my pocket. "Y'know, I saw something blue in the handicap ramp. I think it was a pretty flower. I'm not sure if it is, but I want to know. I'm not allowed there but I think you are. You should go see what it is and tell me during Lunchtime." His eyes lit up. "Nugget's new friend had him at 'flower'. Nugget will gladly go see what it is! Expect Nugget's answer at Lunchtime! Now, Nugget is of!" He marched off to the Handicap Ramp.

"Hey! I did it, Kid. Did you get the Nugget kid out?" I nodded at her question. "So, what did you want me to do?" I looked at her, barely able to resist my smile. "You have an infinate supply of bombs somewhere in the school right?" She nodded "Yeah, and you somehow made one that's powerful enough to blow the two layered wall from the teachers lounge to the Janitors Closet- Wait. How do you know that?" She looked at me with suspicioun in her eyes. "I have my sources. Anyway, in return for that bomb I want you to plant bombs under the school in the sewers." I told her. "I'll do that. Only if you promise not to set them off and kill everyone, especially me and- me. Just me." I raised an eyebrow at her. Then rolled my eyes "I won't set it off, I just want them there for blackmail. Also, I want you to put a button at the right side of the school. That button is there to detonate it." Carla nodded. "I'll have it don't by lunchtime. Thanks for the bomb, Kid."

I used up all my remaining apples and the bell rang.


We were walking to lunchtime and it was almost time. I told Carla to buy some extra burgers but I didn't tell her why. Then I showed Felix my prestigious pin and he made Ted buy more burgers. Then I bought one myself.

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