(19) An Injury (19)

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Dream's new song is amazing.

This was around the time when Penny didn't know how to help Kid if he's having a panic attack.

They're 10 in this.


(Kid's POV)

Me and Penny were at my house. Monty taught her how to ride a bike yesterday since, according to him, that's what he'd do when his legs still worked. I told her I wanted to know how to ride a bike too and I begged her to teach me.

"Okay. Fine. But remember that I'm not that good." She says. I open the garage door and take the red bike that once belonged to... No one. We just kept it there for decoration. Yeah. I put it in the sidewalk and got on it. Penny started talking "Well first thing you have to do is..."

(I dont have the slightest idea how to ride a bike)

"Yeah! You're getting the hang of it!" Penny tells me. Her tone was kinda loud because she was standing in front of the house and everytime a second passes I can hear her less. I look back at her, expecting a huge smile, but her eyes were wide and she looked terrified. "ALEX! LOOK OUT! TREE!" I immediately look forward but I was too late.

(3rd Person POV)

Kid's bike bumped into the tree and he fell along with it. Penny immediately ran towards him.

TW//Panic Attacks

She knelt down beside him and saw that he was having a panic attack. "Alex, Alex, can you hear me?" She asks. He gave a weak nod. "Uhh... W-what do I do?!" She asks herself. She had a good idea. "Get Kari! Great idea! Nice one, Penny." She praised herself and ran inside the house to get Kid's sister.

She ran up the stairs to their bedroom and saw Kari laying on her bed and scrolling through her phone. "Kari! Something's happening to Alex and I don't know how to help!" Kari threw the blanket off her and ran down the stairs with the speed of sonic the hedgehog. Penny had a really hard time keeping up with Kari's speed. Kari was fast for a 10 year old who stayed in her house on her phone for 14 hours a day.

By the time Penny got outside, Kari was already beside Kid. Penny hurried beside them. "Kid, can you hear me?" He gave her the same weak nod he gave Penny. "Alex, do you see anything green?" Kari asks her brother. "G-grass. T-that's all." "Okay, can you see anything grey?" She asks again. "Th-the r-r-road..." He answers. Kari continued to ask similar questions until Kid calmed down.

Kari decided to keep an eye on them until the end of their playdate. Kid immediately apologized to Penny "I'm sorry Penny. I-I had a panic attack." Penny gave him a sympathetic smile. "It's fine. I should be the one apologizing since all I did was call your sister." "Calling Kari was the best thing you could do. Atleast now you know how to help whenever it happens again."

They both smiled and went back to playing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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