(4) On A Rainy Day (4)

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Explanation: Monty and his parents are Filipino. Which means they are Asian. Which, is another word for 'strict' whenever it comes to parents. Penny has a curfew saying at 8:00 she must be in her bed sleeping.

(Penny's POV)

I at Alex's house visiting. I've been in his house for a whole day and I lost track of time. Me and Alex were watching a movie and then I heard the rain pouring outside. I immediately panicked and asked Alex what the time was. He said it was 7:44 and my eyes went wide. My parents had a curfew for me and Monty and if I'm not home at 8 I'm literally dead. So I too Alex I was going to leave.

"But what about the rain?" He asks. "I'll be fine!" I replied and he looked at me worriedly. "Be safe, okay?" I nod. I walked out of the house and stuck my hand out in the rain. It stung so I immediately jerked my hand back. I contemplate asking Alex for help but Alex has already done enough for me so I feel bad asking him for help.

(3rd Person POV)

Penny ran to the rain and ran as fast as she could so that she can get home. Her whole body stung and she was slowly short cirtuiting. She collapsed on the floor as the rain poured on her body. Electricity and water really don't mix, huh?

She laid there on the ground completely motionless. The last thing she saw was a figure standing before her and the said figure dropped it's umbrella. She then lost consciousness. The figure was Kid. When he saw the robot girl's motionless body on the ground he dropped the umbrella he brought for her. He knelt by her side tears flowing from his eyes.

"Penny?" No response. "P-Penny?" Still no response. "P-Penny? Wake up!" Nothing. He wiped the tears from his face, which came back right after, and attempted to carry Penny bridal style. She was heavy, but with determination, he managed to carry Penny to her house and knocked on the door. The door was opened by Monty, thankfully, and he immediately let them in. They laid her on the couch.

"What the HELL happened to her?!" Monty yelled at Kid, who still had tears streaming from face. "She- she said she had to go back home s-so I went to get her an umbrella a-and when I got back I saw that she was gone and the door was opened. I-I started looking for her outside because I knew she was going to s-short circuit. A-and when I found her she a-already was o-on the ground, unconscious." He struggled to say.

"So where's the umbrella you said you got?" Monty asked. Kid replied with "I-I dropped it in the r-rain outside." Monty sighed and said "Well, I'll fix her in the attic. You can go home now, Kid." "B-But wait. What about y-your parents?" Kid asked. "I'll tell them she's sick. I'll be fine. Just go home." Kid sighed and got up to leave.

Next Day: Hanging out w/ Friends

30 DAY OTP CHALLENGE (Penny x Kid)Where stories live. Discover now