(18) Betrayal (18)

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Just decided.

*Yeets publish schedule out the window*

We don't need that.

Democracy says majority vote, and majority vote says 'F^ck Publish Schedule'

And I listened even though I support anarchy.

Don't question me.

I would appreciate that.

(Kid's POV)

I watched silently as Dr. Danner left study hall. In perfect timing, the walkie talkie in my pocket buzzed. Jeez, if that thing buzzed like a second earlier I would've gotten my 3rd eye blast.

I put the walkie talkie to my ear. "Hey Kid! Come in, Kid! We got a problem! Where are 'ya?" I rolled my eyes and answered "Study Hall." "You gotta hide that head right now! Find a garbage can and chuck it! There's one in the mess hall!" Mess hall...? What? What's the mess hall? "What are you talking about?" I asked. "It's that little Penny girl! She's been following you all day! You gotta hide the head and stop here from getting up here!" Still doesn't explain what the mess hall is but I assume it's the Cafeteria. "How do you know that?" I ask.

Oh no. Am I gonna have to hurt Penny? She hasn't done anything wrong. "Some kid in a hoodie just came up here and dropped an envelope on the floor. He had pictures and everything. She's been following you, Kid!" He said. Wait, what? Hoodie? Who's that? "What do I do after I throw out the head?" I ask.

"Find a way to trip her up on the stairs on your way to the can. Get her to fall and break her head open."

My heart paced faster but I ingored it. "I'll see what I can do." I said then hung up. I walked to the toybox and looked through it. I saw a toy car. That'll trip her right? Ugh, I hate this. I felt connected to her since the first timeline we met. I don't know why. I just do.

Anyway, I take the car and exit Study Hall, knowing that Buggs won't tattle if it doesn't benefit him. I walk to the Cafeteria first and chuck the head in the garbage can, barely being tall enough to do it. Then I exit.

I put the toy car on the stairs and I, almost immediately, hear a voice say "Oh, look who it is!" She said in a cheery voice as she skipped towards me. "You're not supposed to be out of study hall! What're you doing here?" She tilted her head to the side, like a puppy. Which I find really cute. "I'm looking for the Janitor." I reply. "Oh really? I was actually looking for him myself. You wouldn't happen to know where he is?" She asked me. I'm sorry. I said mentally and told her "He's upstairs. She smiled at me "Thank you for telling me. Now go back in study hall, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

She began her ascend on the stairs. But when she stepped foot on the stair with the toy car she slipped and fell down head first. Green goo oozed from her head as she stared at me limply and almost lifelessly. I slapped my hands over my mouth. The walkie talkie in my pocket buzzed again. "I heard what I can only assume is an evil little girl falling down the stairs." I hate you, you stupid old coot. "I-It would s-seem so." I replied. "Good work, Kid. You remind me of myself when I was your age." And that is a good thing how? "Thanks... I think..." I said, unsure if that was a compliment or not... "Now get back to that study hall place. That mad scientist looking fellow prbably doesn't like it when students escape from there." "Good idea." I said then pushed the red button.

I was walking to the Classroom when I looked back at her limp body and the green goo. I'll take note of the goo. Might need it for later.

This is now the worst mission I've ever done, so far.

I hate you Janitor.


Publish Schedule: Where am i?

Mental Stability: HI! IT'S SO GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!

Sleep Schedule: You're in the trash, idiot!

Publish Schedule: Get away from me, troll.

Mental Stability: HI! IT'S SO GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!

Publish Schedule: How do I get out of here?

Sleep Schedule: You cant. And you'll be here with us forever, and we're all gonna go insane! Like dumbf^ck over here. *Points to Mental Stability*

Publish Schedule: Oh no. No. No!

Sleep Schedule: This is the last face you'll ever see until you lose sanity.

Publish Schedule: NO!!!


Sorry that was cringe. And yes this was a scene in the Emoji Movie (That movie was trash btw) I was definately not sleep deprived when I wrote that :)

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