(12) Yandere (12)

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Why? Just... Why? T-T

(Penny POV)

Me and my mommy were walking to Kindergarten. We were later than usual because our car broke down yesterday and it was still getting repaired today.

When me and my mom went into the Kindergarten the first thing I saw was Alex at the left of the staircase comforting some... Crying child...

(Jerome not Evan/Chris or anything.)

My eye flashed red and I started feeling something... What is this... Inside of me...? What is wrong with me? Why do I feel the urge to... Hurt... The child? Alex was just comforting him. Not anything else right?

I didn't realise that I was standing still and staring at them until my mother called my name and told me to come inside the Kindergarten. I didn't hear anything else she said because as she was talking the kid had hugged Alex. That made my eye twitch. I completely ignored my mom and walked over to the two.

I walked up to them and said "Hi Alex! Who's your friend?" Alex pulled away from him and looked at me "Oh, hi Penny! This is Jerome. We were just talking about his dad. Y'know, the principal of our old school? I too you that right?" I nodded. "Yes, yes you have." I looked at 'Jerome' and held out my hand. "Hello, Jerome. My name is Penny! I hope we can be good friends." He shoock my hand an said "Hi Penny. And I hope so too."


I noticed that Jerome was hanging out with Alex alot and that really bothered me. So in morning time, I decided that I wanted to confront him about I during Recess. As I walked to the playground I saw that Alex and Jerome were talking by the sandbox. My eyes flashed red and I 'happily' walked up to them and asked if I could speak with Jerome. They allowed me to so we went to the back of the school so I can talk with him.

"So... What did you wanna talk about Penny?" He asked. "Jerome. Why. Are. You. Hanging. Out. With. Alex. So. Much?" I asked. He looked confused an was about to answer before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and my eyes were completely red, ready to blast this guy in the face. "Okay, so you f^ckng listen to me. And listen to me very f^cking clearly. I don't want to see you anywhere near my f^cking best friend, do you hear me? If I see you even a 3 feet distance near him I will make sure you will see your sh^tty father in the afterlife. You f^cking got it?" I asked. He looked like he was about then cry then nodded. I let him go and said "Good. Let's go back now."

When we got back to Alex he asked "What did you talk about?" And I said "Nothing!" Than sat down next to him. He looked at Jerome and asked "You good, Jerome?" My eyes twicthed and flashed red and Jerome clearly saw it. He got nervous and said "Yeah! I'm fine! I'll just go over here and leave you two." He then walked over to the tree and sat down with his back against the trunk. Alex turned to me and asked "What was wrong with him?" I just shrugged.

I never saw Jerome near Alex ever again after that.

I wanted to make this short because it's literally 12:12am and my phone's at 3% and there's gonna be a blackout at 1:15 am. So yeah.... Bai!

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