Before you read this, go follow EmilyForever14 because they inspired me to do this and they have a 30 day OTP book with Carla and Monty. So read that and go follow them. They deserve it.
Changed the cover 3/31...
The simps don't know he's taken. ________________________________
(Kid's POV)
I was walking through the hallways of our school. I felt all the love struck stares of the girls and the jealous stares of the boys. I hate walking into school. Why am I such a goddamn simp magnet??
Anyway, once I make it to my locker and open it a bunch of Love Letters fall off and I also see a bunch still inside the locker. I sigh and start picking them all up.
Then I hear footsteps coming near me. I was scared it was a girl going to talk to me but then I was thankful when it was just Lily and Billy.
"You okay, Kid?" Billy asked me while helping me pick the Love Letter up. "Not-so-Secret Admirers again?" Lily asked. And I sighed and nodded. Lily grabbed a plastic bag from her pocket and picked the Love Letters up. And when she did she would shove them in the bag. "Penny's gonna be upset when she sees this... Again..." When Lily said that I sighed.
Lily always brought plastic bags with her at school so when I got letters we just had to put them in the bag and throw them in the garbage cans so that Penny won't see them. She knows about my simps but not about the fact that they give me love letters. I mean, she saw one of the love letters once and almost lazered a cheerleading girl's arm off but she probably assumed it was just one. So god knows what she'll do if she sees this.
When we had almost all the Love Letters off the ground that's when I heard footsteps. I was scared it was either one of the simps or Penny but was relieved to hear Nugget's voice speaking in third person.
"Is Friend Kid okay?" He asks. And I respond with "I'm fine Nugget." "Hey! You didn't answer when I asked if you were okay!" We all laughed at Billy. And then Nugget helped pick the remaining letters off the floor and put them all in Lily's plastic bag. "Christ there are alot. I'll throw them in the trash can." Billy told us while taking the plastic bag and shoving it into his backpack. For some miracle, the plastic bag fit in his backpack.
"Where is The Nice Penny? She is usually here at this time." Nugget was right. It isn't normal for her to be late. I'm kinda worried for my android girlfriend. "Don't worry, Kid. I'm sure Penny's just running late." Lily told us. I smiled at her. "She'll probably be here by class. We have today's class together so I'll tell you if I see her." I am so thankful for my friends.
(Lunch Time)
I walked into the Cafetieria. I felt the same stares that I felt during the start of the day. I looked at the table we always sat on everyday and saw that everyone, except for Penny, are there. Hell, everyone we knew from Kindergarten were there. Even Cindy and Felix! They all had worrying looks on their faces.
So when I walked to the table I asked "Oh! Hi Kid... Hehehe..." Lily acknowledged me. "Hey guys, what's wrong? Why the hell are they here?" For the last one I gestured to Cindy, Felix, and Buggs. "Umm..." Lily trailed off. I looked around and then back at Lily and asked "Where's Penny?" She just got more nervous. "Lily. What's wrong?" She sighed.
"Penny... I don't know where she is but... The reson everyone is here is because Cindy said she heard a rumor about her. She said that she heard that the cheerleading captain, Tiffany, confronted Penny about you. And... Said that Penny didn't deserve you. Penny got upset... But we don't know where she went." She explained. "Okay I have one question." I turned to Cindy and asked her "Why do you care about all this?" Cindy sighed and answered honestly "Well, I know what it feels like... That you don't deserve the people around you. And I felt bad..." Felix put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. I sighed.
"So, Kid, what are you gonna do?" Ozzy asked. I sighed and said "I'm gonna try find her and talk to her..." "Do you know where to start though?" Alice asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I do. Thanks for telling me." Lily nodded.
I head out of the Cafeteria and head straight for the rooftop. The place where I confessed my feelings and asked her to be my girlfriend, and she accepted. As soon as I opened the door to the rooftop I inmediately see Penny sitting on one of the roof benches. She wasn't sitting properly though.
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I walked up to her and sat down next to her. She botled up and looked at me "Alex?! W-what are you doing here?!" She asked and rushed to wipe the tears off her face. I put an arm around her shoulder and she took her feet off of the bench and sat properly.
"Penny, I heard what happened." She went quiet and said "Oh. So you agree then?" I asked her what she meant by that and she said "You agree that you're too good for me.." My eyes went wide and I said "No! Of course not! Penny..." I took my arm off her shoulder and put my other hand on her cheeck. "You're the most amazing, smartest, nicest, most beautiful girl I've ever known. Hell, you're the one thats too good for me! Don't let what they say get to you. They're just jelouse that you're literally perfect. Don't listen to them." I cupped her cheecks and kissed her on the lips. "Thank you so much, Alex." I smiled at her.
"We should go back to the cafeteria. The others are probably worried." I said. She nodded and we walked back to the Cafeteria together.
As we walked to our table some people were snickering at Penny and me. I glared at them but kept my cool, because I had a plan.
As we sat down everyone started asking us questions and I answered all of them truthfully. And then I turned to Penny and smiled. I put a hand on her cheeck and put a small peck on her lips. That was the most affection we've ever displayed in public. Our friends were all shipping like crazy and the other people were the Cafeteria all gaped at us. Penny was a flustered mess. I just chuckled and finally ate my food.
Next Day: Clothes Swap
I was originally gonna make Kid, like, announce his love for Penny out-loud but I couldn't handle the second-hand embarassment.
Das Billy's Ron's and Alice's relationship.
Billy = Quackity/Beanie guy
Ron = Sapnap/Bandana man Alice = Karl/Rainbow dude
It was originally Billy and Alice sharing Ron but then they caught feelings for eachother too. Just to explain. (Video not mine)