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After reaching home Isfa offered her isha salah and thanked ALLAH for giving her another wonderful day. After dinner she was checking some files but one question was hammering in her mind that is how her brother knows Eun Ruhaan? She closed her file and went to Zayan's study room. Hearing her footsteps Zayan looked at her and said,"Isu,u need something?"

Isfa said,"No..no..i just want to ask something."

Zayan nodded his head and said,"What is it?"

"Well, how do u know Mr.Eun?"

"Mr.Eun? U mean Eun Ruhaan?"

Isfa nodded her head as yes.

"Oh! He was my junior at university and we also played in the same saucer team that time.But why r u asking me about him?"

"Of course, I'm curious to know that how my brother knows the owner of C.S.I."

"U and ur curiosity. Now go and sleep!"

"Yeah, yeah, u too." said isfa while getting out from Zayan's study room.

★Isfa's p.o.v.★

Now you all are thinking how i know my boss before joining e.s.i. Well Mr.Eun was my brother's junior at u.v but he was my senior also.He was very popular in whole u.v. He was prince charming of the girls of u.v. without me and some other girls who knew it's haram to check out na-mehrams(in islam who are not related with each other by blood).

Though i know him from the day i entered in u.v. but we talked for first time 6 years ago.I was returning from u.v. by passing my favourite river side. My eyes were following a lil flying bird. My eyes landed on Mr.Eun, he was holding something in his hand. When i moved closer, i saw it was a bottle of alcohol. Though he wasn't a practicing muslimah but i never saw him doing haram things. At that time, i thought that as a muslim i should stop him. I tried to make him understand. I don't know if he changed or not. Today i saw him after 6 years not as my senior bit as my boss.

(end of p.o.v)

Next morning at breakfast table..

Mrs.Ahmed said,"Isu,why Don't u help me in kitchen work? What will you do when u will get married?"

isfa put down her spoon and said,"Ammu, i know how to cook but u know I'm just busy with office works."

Zayan said,"Yeah yeah we know what a terrible cook u are."

Isfa glared Zayan and said,"Bhai, what do u mean to say? If u eat the food cooked by me u will be mad in happiness."

"Then no one should eat that in life." saying this Zayan brust into laughter.

Isfa said,"Bhai you..."

Mr. Ahmed stopped her and said,"Isfa! Zayan! Will u two stop fighting like child?"

"Sorry,Abbu." Zayan and Isfa said together and glared each other.

Mr. Ahmed cleared his throat and said, "Well, we need to tell u something important."

Zayan asked," What is it abbu?"

Mrs.Ahmed said,"It's about isfa."

Hearing her name Isfa snapped her towards her parents and said, "Me?What about me?"

Mr.Ahmed said,"One week ago, i met my school best friend,Miraz Khan, actually we were actually really close till college. After College I moved to USA with ur grandpa and we lost connection. I met him in a meeting."

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