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{ HE WILL GIVE YOU (something) BETTER THAN WHAT WAS TAKEN FROM YOU.}.                                  (Surah Al-Anfal : ayah-70)


At a cafe beside E.S.I.....

"What! you nikkah will be on Friday!!", Isrika screamed in shock.

Isfa grasped her mouth and said,"Shh! Riku! I don't have any intention to invite the whole world in my wedding."

Isrika said,"I'm sorry Isu, but isn't it too hurry?"

"Hmm. But I am okay as my family is happy.", said Isfa leaning her back on chair.

"Have you met with Farad?", said Maria taking a sip of her coffee.

Isfa said,"No, I didn't. I don't want to meet him before nikkah."

"What is Zayan bhai doing here?",said Jumaira looking at entrance.

Everyone looked at the same direction and saw Zayan coming towards them. They all said together,"Assalamualaikum Zayan bhai."

Zayan said,"Walaikumassalam, sisters. How are you all?"

"Alhamdulillah we are fine. What about you?", said Maria.

He said,"Me too." Then looking at Jumaira who was looking everywhere without him, he said,"Jum, why didn't you came at our house while Ammu called you in the morning?She sent me to take you though you live just after our house."

Jumaira thought what will she say now will she say ,"I didn't go cause I don't want to stay around you. I don't want to hurt my heart knowing that you will never..."

Her chain of thoughts broke down by Zayan's voice,"Jum, are you okay?"

She said,"Yeah.. yeah actually I wasn't feeling okay at morning."

Isfa said,"What are you doing here, bhai?"

"I came here to meet with Ruhaan."


"Are you Ruhaan? Why I'll tell you?"

Isfa rolled her eyes when Zayan left from there.


Ruhaan was working in his cabin while his assistant informed him that someone wants to meet him.

He said,"Send him inside."

Hearing Zayan saying,"Assalamualaikum, Ruhaan, How are you?" He closed his laptop and looked at Zayan.

He said,"Walaikumassalam, Brother Zayan. Alhamdulillah everything's fine. Please sit."

Zayan sat on the chair in front of Ruhaan.

Ruhaan said,"How you came here, suddenly?"

Zayan said,"To invite you." and gave him an invitation card.

Ruhaan took the card and said,"To invite me? For what?"

"In my sister's wedding."

Ruhaan dropped the card in shock while Zayan asked,"Are you okay?"

Ruhaan lifted up the card from floor and said,"Ye..yeah it's just I'm surprised."

Zayan said,"Oh! Actually everything happened so fast."

Nodding his head Ruhaan said,"When is the wedding?"

"Next Friday. Other details are in the card. You must have to come."

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