The Party

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A/N: Thank you so much for 300 reads! I'm so grateful to my readers who also vote and comment; it makes writing 100% worth it!

Also, if I was going to write another MCU story, what would you guys be interested in reading?


You weren't sure how to feel about Tony Stark. You were going to the party as his date, but you couldn't tell whether he wanted it to me more than that or not. Regardless, you went dress shopping with Natasha, and according to Tony, you had no limit as to how much your dress could cost. As you held the billionaire's credit card in your hand, you were nervous to have access to THAT much money.

"I wonder what his credit card limit is," Natasha said with a smirk.

"Whatever it is, we are NOT going to max it out. I'm pretty sure that man has a bottomless pit of money," you said, looking through the endless racks of dresses in the shop.

"Speaking of 'that man', are you guys dating already? I can tell you like him."

"Come on, Nat, just because I'm smart and beautiful and funny, doesn't mean I mean anything to him other than another conquest of his." You said sarcastically.

Natasha chucked and said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Y/N. I think he's a little crazy about you."

As you drove home from the mall, you thought about Nat's words. You couldn't decide whether you just thought he was attractive or if he was actually kinda growing on you. Maybe, just maybe, you had a little crush.

It was almost time for the party by the time you got home, so you quickly got ready and put on your dress. The red silk fabric felt amazing against your skin, and the large, flowy base of the dress shone as you twirled around in it. You did your makeup quickly and curled your hair, finishing just in time for the party.

"Hey, J. Take me to the living area."

"Right away, Miss Y/L/N," Jarvis said as his voice echoed through the elevator. As you rode the elevator down to the main room, you suddenly got nervous. What if Tony just decided he didn't like the way you looked, and then ditched you? You shook your head, trying to wipe away the negative thoughts.

As soon as you stepped out of the elevator, numerous eyes were on you. Tony, Steve, Thor, and Nat all smiled at you, welcoming you to the party. You walked over to Tony.

"You like the dress I picked, Mr. Stark?"

"Let's just say hot rod red is definitely your color. And, by the way, if you call me Mr. Stark again, I will personally escort you out of the building."

"Yes sir," you said, giving him a mocking military wave.

The two of you headed over to the bar, and Tony ordered martinis for the both of you.

"How did you know I liked martinis?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I know a lot more about you than you think I do," he whispered into your ear, his voice practically at a growl. Your stomach got butterflies at the sound of his voice.

You talked with the other avengers for a while, until a slower song started playing.

"I'm done entertaining the guests. Wanna dance?" a voice said behind you. You spun around to face the playboy billionaire that you couldn't stop thinking about.

Before you could even answer, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the center of the room, wrapping his arm around your waist. His hand slowly traveled lower and lower, down the open back of your dress, until someone next to us cleared their voice. You inhaled sharply as Steve said, "Watch it, Stark. Last I checked, you two were 'just friends'." He made air quotes with his fingers.

"Friends with benefits?" Tony questioned.

"Friends with benefits without the benefits," you said, giving a sly smile.

"I like how you think."

As the song ended, you wished this moment could last forever, but your spirits were lifted when Tony asked, "Wanna get some fresh air?"

You nodded, allowing him to lead you to wherever he had in mind.

The roof of the Avengers compound was the most peaceful place you have ever been, other than being in a plane, 10,000 feet in the air. Tony sat with your head on his lap, so you could look at the stars. He played with your hair aimlessly, and hummed quietly to a song.

You talked with him for forever, about anything and everything, until you realized that you were doing most of the talking. You tried to get him to talk by being silent for a while, but the two of you ended up just sitting in a peaceful, comfortable silence.

"Why did you ask me to be your date?" you finally said, anticipating a short answer like "because".

He paused for a moment, truly thinking about the question. He stopped playing with your hair, and you looked up at his face, concerned that you said something wrong.

After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"To be totally honest, I don't completely know why I feel this way. All my life, I've had countless one night stands, with lonely mornings and empty evenings filled with alcohol. And I got a reputation because of it, an accurate one. But you seemed to look past it, not that you didn't care about my past, but that you accepted me for who I am, and you're trying to make me a better person. You're so strong, smart, and independent, and you don't take any of my shit. And that's saying something, especially for someone who has a lot of shit going on. You're so unique compared to every other girl I've met, and it's exhilarating." He paused. "Y/N, I think I kinda like you a lot."

You sat up, turning around so you could face him. You ran your hands through his hair, his brown eyes staring into yours.

"Anthony Edward Stark, I kinda like you too."

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