Hard to Turn Down

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You decide to have a lazy day until the afternoon, when you plan to go to the Avengers compound. It is hard to distract yourself from the excitement of becoming an avenger, so you start to get ready. It's only 10 AM. You shower, do your hair, and change your outfit about a million times, but finally settle on jeans and a white flowy blouse. 

When you decide you have had enough of your apartment, you drive to the city. There really is nothing like New York pizza, so you drive almost an hour just for a slice. When you get back to your apartment, it feels as though someone had been there while you were gone. You quietly enter while grabbing a knife from the kitchen, carefully sweeping the house, searching for intruders. Then, on your bed, you find a single red rose with a note carefully placed beside it. 

Welcome to the team. ~T.S.

This can only be one person. How did he find me? Is this the normal protocol for new members of the team? You assumed it wasn't, and shrugged it off. This was Tony's style, of course. What else did you expect from him? Also, he must be pretty confident that you are going to accept the invitation, considering you haven't given him an answer yet. Just a few more hours. You sit down to watch Netflix because there is nothing better to do.

It is only 1 o'clock when you are completely bored out of your mind. You always have to be challenged, or learning about something, or else you die of boredom. You could have never survived as just an ordinary person. So, out of lack for a better option, you get in your car and head to the infamous avengers building. 

You decide to take the scenic route through upstate New York, to preserve whatever dignity you had left, weaving through thick forests and peaceful backroads. When you arrive, you are greeted by none other than Clint Barton. The famous Hawkeye known for his incredible aim. When you step out of the car, though, your tall self with additional heels is almost the same height as him. 

"Hi, Ms. Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Please, call me Y/N. I am a big fan of yours, hopefully one day I can be as good of a pilot as you."

"Oh, please, I would only dream of being half the pilot that you have become, even in the past year!" He said with a grin as you blush and wave off his compliment. 

As you take another glance at the massive building, you can't help but notice Steve Rogers standing on the balcony, staring directly at you.

"Let's head inside, shall we? Tony is waiting for you." Clint says as you walk with him through the glass doors. 

The beautifully decorated interior is just as you remember it, but it seems different this time. Almost like you belong, but not quite. You take a deep breath as Tony waves you into his office, and it seems as though he had been waiting for you ever since the year before. 

"Alright, Princess, when do you want to start? I have made arrangements for a customized Quinjet to your liking, a large living quarters, and not to mention a dress for this week's party."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast! As far as I know, I never accepted your offer. Maybe I was coming to tell you that I didn't want the job!" 

"Its very hard to turn down the president, and it's even harder to turn me down," Tony says with a growl as he runs his fingers on the collar of your shirt. Par for the course. You sigh.

"Listen, 'Mr. Hard-to-Turn-Down', I am only looking for a professional relationship with my boss, and everyone else here at the compound," you say, pushing him away. "I came here to fly you to your destination, shoot some bad guys, make some friends, and nothing more. Also, I guess that means I accept your offer." 

Tony pays no attention to the words coming out of your mouth, and only stares at your eyes, and your mouth, and back to your eyes. God, why is he so hot? You force those thoughts down as you remind yourself that you came here to work, not play. 

"I'm serious!" you say. 

"We'll see about that," he says, his chocolate brown eyes peering directly into yours. 

He shows you to your room, which is "coincidentally" on the same floors as both Tony and Steve's. You come to the conclusion that living between a billionaire genius and a super soldier wasn't the worst location. Just look at their faces! As soon as you get settled in your room, you decide to explore. You are eager to know everything about the compound, so you quicken your pace, not looking around the corner.

The last thing you see is Steve's massive body before you run straight into him, fall flat on your back, then everything goes black.

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