Chapter 18

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F/T: Favorite Topping
F/FL: Favorite Flavor

You drooled while wagging your tail as Aaron chuckled at you.

Kawaii~Chan approached you both.

"Huh? Aaron~Kun! Aaron? Aaron!" She called.

You pinched him, snapping him out of his daze.


"Ehehe~! Distracted?"

"Is it that obvious?" "Very much so, but its super cute Aaron~Kun! Your totes into her!"

"Its just...I've been wanting to talk to her about something but...Its kind of...Ugh...I don't know." You tilted your head confused before putting the peices together.

He must be talking about the whole, 'Moving in together' thing.

He hasn't spoken to you about it but you can tell hes getting nervous the more times people are interrupting them.

You tried to tell people to give them some space but even that isn't good enough sometimes.

"Is Aaron~Kun going to pop the question?"

"What!? No! No, No...Not that. We've only been dating for a couple of months!"

"Hm...Well--Wait, why is Gene over there with her! Is she making him pancakes?"

"No...Shes making pancakes for everyone!"

"And Genes helping..." You two corrected.

"She also has an ulterior motive to making him help." You three watched the exchange as Aphmau had a triumphent smirk on her face.

She made two batches of pancakes.

One had a nice smiley face and the other had a more evil and angry smiley face.

Apparently whichever one Gene chose would prove weather hes still a bad person or nice person.

He chose the pancakes that seemed more angel like and nice.

You held back a laugh at Aphmaus bewildered and dumbfounded face.

"Ah! Kawaii~Chan gets it! If he took the evil pancakes--"

"Yeah! I don't see the logic in that..."

"Mhm...Plus, both the pancakes hsd smiley faces on it. We honestly dunno which one he chose to be honest."

"Huh. I didn't notice that. Good point
Y/N." Aaron smiled.

"Kawaii~Chan doesn't see the point in it either."


"Yeah! If Aphmau~Senpai wanted to figure that out, she should've used cookies instead."

"Seriously...?" You and Aaron deadpanned.

"Hey Aaron~! I made a special smiley, just for you~!" Aphmau grinned.

"Ah! And heres yours too Y/N!"

"Yay! Did you put F/T inside?"

"Mhm! Just the way you like it!"

"Thanks Aph!" You grinned.

Aphmau was a little disapointed that you didn't call her Mom this time, but shook it off as you two still had some progress to make.

"Thanks." Aaron smiled.

"Your welcome!"


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