Chapter 24

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F/M-Favorite Mobile Game
F/F-Favorite Food
F/D-Favorite Drink

⚠️Some of the stuff in the dialogue I did not know how to spell. So if I did something wrong, please bear with it and don't be afriad to correct me!⚠️

When you all went to Olive Garden, memories of a past experience seemed to hit everyone like a truck.

Well, everyone except Laurance.

"Huh? Is anyone se getting a sense of deja vu?" "Very much..." "Don't remind me..."

"Are you guys sure we should be with your mom right now?" "Why not? She invited us."

"Yeah but...It seems kind of weird."

"Ahhh...I get it. So you think it's going to be like business meeting and we'd just being interrupting."

"Well then you obviously don't know my mother."


"Our Mom and Dad work together. She takes care of relations and he manages the company. She wouldn't just invite us to sit around. It's possible that the girl we're about to meet prefers our kind of company."

"Man...Who knew this buisness stuff went so deep..." You mumbled.

"Who would enjoy your kind of company!" Garroth snickered.

"Hey! I heard that!" "Be nice Garroth." You scolded with a pout. "So she's using us?"

"No, Mom's to nice for that. She just enjoys making sure that everyone gets to eat."

"Ehe...Sounds like a Mom alright."

"Your Mom did say this girl was an eligible Bachelorette~. Could she he trying to set up her handsome Sons~? Hm~? HMMM~?"

"H-Hey! Were not...Handsome..." Zane blushed.

"Speak for yourself, I'm gorgeous~"

"Hm...So she's trying to get you guys with this girl?"

"I don't really care for that kinda of thing."

"I'm 'Meh'about it too. I'm kind off relationships for a while."

"Though it makes sense why Mom would want to introduce us to this girl who is the daughter of a CEO of a popular Company."

"Ooo~! Want company is it?" "Yeah! I wanna know!" You and Aphmau smiled.

"Mother didn't say?" "Okay, so sorry for the hold up! There was a mix-up for our reservations!" "I didn't think a place like this had reservations."

"What'chu got against Olive Garden Zane!" Aphmau pouted. "I just called ahead to make sure we have spots."

"We are going to wait for our guest?"

"She would prefer that we sit down so she doesn't have to wait for the food! Trust me. I totes get her  girls gotta eat yo'!" Zianna giggled.

You smiled. Whoever this guest was seemed really nice. "Huh. That remind of someone I knew." Aaron muttered.

"Who?" You questioned.

"Don't worry about it." Aaron smiled, placing a hand on your head.

"Word up Zianna!"

"Oh Aphmau, you're just like your Mom. Come on, let's go in."

"Aaron...If I do anything else like my Mom, Stop me. Please."

"What if I can't?" "Then. End me." Aphmau spoke grimly.

"I-It's not that serious!" You whimpeared, ears falling. Everyone seemed to ignore her statment though as they just followed Zianna into the resturaunt.

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