Chapter 17

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You held Aarons hand as you, Him, and Aphmau were on your way to see Sylvana.

You grinned still giddy from the past events that has happened.

You still can't believe Aaron asked you to move in with him.

He even has a room all ready and prepped for you if Aphmau says yes.

It was all so exciting!

Nicole is on the island now.

Strange right?

You saw her and waved at her but she was really sad.

You wanted to ask why bu Katelyn told you not to worry about it.

But something in your gut told you it had to do with Dante.

You asked him about it but he ran away super fast. You left it at that.

As you all walked, Aaron was complaining.

"Aphmau, she HATES me."

"Nonsense Aaron. We're going to get you some quality time with my mom. She just... Needs to hang out with you more!"

"Once shes done beating you." You scoffed.

"Shush!" Aphmau pouted.

"Heh...Well, I'm all for spending time with you."

"Your to sweet! Ehe~!"

"Blegh...Wheres Abuela?"

"I'm not sure. You think she'd be with Eric in a strawberry puffs. Hm..."

"Isn't that her over there?" Aaron pointed.

"Hm? Ah! Yeah! That is her! Mom! Hey!" Aphmau waved, running over to her.

You and Aaron followed.

You noticed she was standing with a tall male with a blue sleevless muscle shirt.

You could only see the back of his head.

"Oh! Aphmau! Mija! I'm so glad you're here!"

"I'm so glad we found you! We wanted to see if you--"

"I just ran into the PERFECT man for you to date!" "Huh?" "Seriously?" Not this again..." You three sighed.

"Aphmau! Meet Gene!" Sylvana smiled.

"Hey there! Long time, no see!" The male smiled.

You were now able to get a good look at his face.

It looked like he had bags under his blue eyes with jet black hair and fair skin.

His jeans were ripped and he wore black and white sneakers.

"MOM--Thats--GENE!" Aphmau pointed out.

You turned to her confused.

Did she have history with him or something?

"I know! Isn't that a cute name? So much better than AARON."

"Abuela, that's rude."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Aaron grumbled.

"No, Mom, THATS G-GENE! I knew him in high school! He was a jerk to me!"

"Ah...That explains it." You smiled.

"He was? Really? You never spoke of him."

"Ugh...No one would WANT to SPEAK of HIM!"

"Well, theres always a chance for a fresh start. Ahem...Hi! My names Y/N! Its very nice to meet you Gene!"

"Hm...Well aren't you proper. Its nice to meet you to Y/N. And if  your Aphmau and Aarons daughter then...Just call me Uncle Gene."

"Don't call him that." Aphmau growled.

"Okay. Don't call me Uncle Gene." You giggled and nodded.

"He seems nice! Why do you hate him so much?" You questioned, turning to Aphmau.

"Allow me to explain. Back in high school, I was a real jerk to Aphmau. I was...Really stupid back then. I was going through a lot of stuff. Aphmau, I am really sorry. For everything. Can we start over?"

"Do you remember what you DID to US!?"


"I know, I know...But--" "MOM!" Aphmau whined.

"Alright you three! You all need to talk it out! You're all adults now, it's time to leave these little grudges in the past."

"Really?" Aaron scoffed.

"Yes! Now, lets talk over lunch! On me!"

"What? But I just met you and I--"

"Come on! Food solves everything! Lets go~!"

"Come on Gene! It'll be fun! If they won't be your friend then I can be your friend!" You smiled, grabbing his hand.

"That sounds like a nice offer little lady. I just might take you up on that." You followed Sylvana still holding Genes hand.

"Y/N, you shouldn't trust him so so easily! He's--" Aphmau called.

"Come on Aph. Give him a chance." You smiled softly.

Aphmau sighed, before her and Aaron followed you and Gene.

You sat on Aarons lap while drinking the jucie Sylvana ordered for you.

"Now this is nice!" Sylvana smiled.

"It really is!" You nodded.

"So Gene, why are you here?"

"Aphmau!" Sylvana called.

You frowned at Aphmaus rude statement.

"Its alright Sylavana. I got an interview here for a job on the island. I'm only here for a week so..."

"Aww..." "Good." "Aphmau!" You glared.


"I'm glad I got to see you Aphmau. And meet you Y/N."


"I really was a jerk to you in high school. And for that, I'm really sorry. You don't gave to forgive me but...I'm glad to see your doing well."

"U-Uh...Thanks. I guess." "I hope...Maybe you can give me a second chance. Things are kind of rough for me right now and I'm just trying to make up for past mistakes."

"Thats mature of you Gene!" "Thank you Y/N."

"Well...I'm...Sorry to hear that Gene."

"Aww...You poor thing!"

"Please ma'am. I don't need pity. Aphmaus smile is enough." Gene smiled, making Aaron growl.

You stared up at him and patted his head like he would do you if you were to ever get mad.

He calmed down a little.

"Aww! How sweet!" "Its just as bright as that star in the evening sky." You looked up and tilited your head.

"A star? What the--Huh!? Wait...Thats no star..." Aphmau muttered.

Travis flew across the paradise screaming.

"I think something happened between Katelyn and Travis." "Maybe." You shrugged.


And intresting character, No?

I wonder what mischief you could or could not get into with him.

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