Chapter 25

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|F/A-Favorite Animal|

You stood next to Vlyad and Garroth holding your F/A as Zianna took pictures of Aphmau and Zane.

"Aww! I had to get a picture of you two right here! There we go! OH~! SO CUTE! Zu~Zu, I've never seen you smile this bright before! Oh! How about a picture here!" Zianna crooned.


"Aww! My wittle Zu~Zu! Don't get mad! Here, why don't you take off that mask!"

Your eyes widened with curiousty and stars.

"Dooo iiit!" You grinned.

"No Mom! I am perfectly fine with it on!" Zane growled.

"But you need to let the world see your beautiful face! Oh Aphmau, sweetheart...I don't know how you manage to kiss him with that mask on..."

"K-Kiss? Oh...We haven't--"

"APHMAU! NO!" Garroth growled.

"You...Have kissed haven't you?" Zianna questioned, a little bit of suspiciousness in her voice.

"Yes Mommy! We kiss all the time! We already had a first kiss so--"

"Zu~Zu...Why would you lie to your mother?"

You facepalmed.

Of course she can tell when hes lying!

Shes his MOM.

This plan is already going down hill.

"W-Wait what!? I'm not--"

"You only call me Mommy when your lying to me. Orrrr when your being a big softy?" Zianna smiled, softly.


"So you two haven't had your first kiss yet? Oh! How romantic! I remember when your father and I had first met! He was so shy he would twirl his beautiful blond locks and blush whenever he tried to kiss me! Then oneday he just took me by the hips and smooched me!" Zianna cooed.

"Mom! TMI!" Garroth scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"That was gross to hear!" You pouted.

"You'll be having your first kiss one day Y/N!"

"No I won't! Kissing is gross!" You gagged, making Aphmau chuckle.

"Its just kissing you two. What, do you still believe in cooties?" " Vlyad smirked.

"N-No!" Garroth stammered.

"Whats cooties?" You questioned.

"Every girl has them! Its a disease they have that gets on boys!" Garroth glared.

"Oh no! Do I have cooties!?" You panicked, hold your F/A tighter.

"Of course not Y/N. Cooties aren't real." Zane sighed, rubbing the space between your ears.

"When Garroth was a little boy, he was so scared of catching cooties that he wore a box to school and called it his cootie armor!" Zianna chuckled, making you snicker.

"Mom! Stop embaressing me!" Garroth pouted, as Vlyad burst out laughing.

"I remember that!"

"Oh! And I remember this one time, Vlyad didn't wear pants to school! He just went in his boxers!" You laughed harder as Vlyad sighed.

"Mom, It wasn't my fault! You let me go like that!"

"Well Vlyad, you were taking forever. Plus, its not a big deal. Boxers look likes their shorts. Even though they had little teddy bears on them~!" Zianna giggled.

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