Chapter 7

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|F/C: Favorite Color|
"Brings back memorys doesn't it?" A fimilar blond with glasses and blue eyes smiled. 

"What? The festival? Ehe~! It does! But...Not as much as hanging out with you Emmalyn! Its been forever since we got a change to hang out! I...Really miss you."

"Stop it. I'm not that big a deal.." "Nor am I, according to your boyfriend now~ Eh~? Ah--!" Aphmau yelped.

She then let out an exasperated groan as you shoved past the two with a bright grin.

Emmalyn was ever so slightly happy a small child and three other figures had shifted the attention away from her. 

"Y/n! Please slow down! I told you to stay behind me! Where did you even go?!"

"Hm? Oh! Asher, Rocky, Logan, and I saw bobbing for Apples contest and wanted to go take a look!" You answered.

"Correction. They wanted to go inside. I just followed and made sure Rocky didn't try to steal anything." Asher sighed, coming up from behind you.

"What the--Why single me out! Meanie!" Rocky glared.

Asher stuck his tongue out at her.

"Real mature." You smirked. Logan only sighed at you three but brightened up at the sight of you.

You had your hair pinned up behind your head, similar to Aphmau, but with a orange sweater that had a white pumpkin on it. You had a white skirt to match and F/C shoes.

Asher had on a purple sweatshirt with gray shorts and white tennis shows.

Rocky had on a white T-shirt and her pink jacket wrapped around her waist with her usual curley hair in two buns. She had black jeans on with brown boots that seemed to be covered in mud.

Then there was Logan who wore a yellow sweater that had a little dark yellow lightening bolt on it with a white button up underneath it and black shorts. He had on black and white shoes on well.

When Aphmau had first talked to you about coming here, you immediately wanted to bring a few friends.

Or all of them.

Nico and Sophia were busy with family and Alex was also preoccupied with something.

But they didn't say what.

Ethan really wanted to come and was ecstatic at the thought of going somewhere with you and the other but then he got sick at the last minute which was a bummer but you all promised to visit him later.

So it was only Rocky, Asher, and Logan who were able to come.

"Well please don't wander off, I don't need to lose any of you here." "Mkay!" "Yes Ma'am!" The four of you nodded.

You grabbed Aphmaus hand as Asher and Rocky already linked hands. Logan approached you and looked down.

"Y/n?" "Hm?" "I can...Uhm..Hold your hand?" "Yeah! Sure! We are using the buddy system!" Logan grinned and grabbed onto your hand as your tail wagged.

He then linked hands with Rocky who was smirking at a seemingly annoyed Asher.

"Anyway, Don't you have a boyfri--" Now it was Emmalyns turn to be cut off as Lucinda came forth. "Did someone say witch?" "Lucinda!" "Emy~Baby! Oh, Long time so see~" "Same to you Lucy!"

"Oo...I haven't been called that name. Well, Unless I'm not counting this little cutie here~" Lucinda giggled, pinching your cheeks gently.

"Hey Auntie Lucy!" You smiled, breaking your hand holding with Aphmau and Logan to hug her.

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