Chapter 11

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"Aaron! I teach me another song!" You pouted.

"Huh? B-But your already doing so good with 'Twinkle Twinkle'! Don't you wanna slow down and perfect the one you know?"

"I've already perfected it!" You smiled.

"She has. Trust me." Aphmau groaned.

"Well...If you really want me to, I don't mind teaching you a bit of a longer song."

"Yes!" You grinned.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Aaron went to get it.

You smiled brightly.

Garroth and Laurance!

You ran to the door with Aphmau as you hopped on Aarons back.

"Garroth! Laurance! I just got Katleyn text! Me and Y/N are so there!"

"W-What are you doing in Aarons house!?" Laurance yelled.

Oh irene.

Not this again.

"Hanging out." Aphmau smiled.

"W-What did you say!?" Garroth trembled.

"I said hanging out. Why? Ugh...Please don't tell me you guys are..."

"J-Jealous? No! W-Were got jealous at all! Were actually here ti invite Aaron to the same party at our place!" Laurance smiled nervously.

"Wow! I'm so impressed with you guys! Are you going Aaron?" Aphmau questioned.

"If you two are going, I'm going." Aaron smiled.

"Great! Oh! Can I invite Zane too?"

"Well...I was going to invite Zane since hes my baby brother and all. But yeah sure! Invite him!"

"Okay! See you guys there!" Aphmau smiled, shutting the door.

"Oh! Aaron. Uh, Thanks for taking Y/N to the doctor! I was really worried that all of the chocolate had hurt her stomach."

"No problem. The doctor said that she'll get minor stomach aches but other then that, she should be fine."

"Thats good to hear."

"I'm fine! You two are being dramatic! Yes, I threw up a few times last night but other then that! I'm perfectly fine~!" You waved.

"If you say so." Aphmau sighed.

You smiled and began to practice with Aaron.

The next night, You and Aphmau went to the party.

You were very excited.

Normally you'd be shy and a bit scared, but after getting to know everyone you know you'll be safe.

You were jumping around making Aphmau smile.

"Calm down Y/N! I know your excited. No need to shake my hand." She ran to doorbell as Garroth walked over to it, dancing.

"Looks like Garroth is getting his groove on." Aphmau giggled.

"Hey! Aphmau! Y/N! Glad you made it! I was beginning to get worried..." Garroth chuckled.

"Sorry about being late. I had to put Celestia down for her nap and then Y/N starting to say her stomach was hurting and I had to give her the medication the doctor gave to Aaron."

"Thats cute!" Garroth smiled.

"Huh!?" You and Aphmau said in usion.

"N-No! I mean the Celestia thing is cute. You say that like shes a baby."

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