Chapter 18

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You sat on Aphmaus bed jaw to the floor.




No wonder she was acting weird at dinner!

Even on the way HOME she was weird!

You heard her mumbling to herself about Aaron before her face went red and she stopped talking.



SOO much!

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Aphmau shushed Zane.

"Zane! Calm! Down!" She said, in a somewhat shuttered whispear.

"How can I be calm! You and Aaron KISSED!"

You paused as a realization came over you.

"Wait...So...You two kissed and...Your not dating? So what did that kiss even mean? What does ANY kiss even mean?"

"Well. Sometimes people kiss eachother innnn...The heat of the moment. So...Sometimes kisses don't mean anything. Unless you and that person are okay with taking your realtionship one step further and want to date eachother!"

"I see...Will I kiss somebody one day? And when I do kiss them...I'll be dating them?"

"Not as long as I'm around." Zane scoffed. "And thats the exact problem here! You and Aaron aren't dating!" He growled, shifting his attention to Aphmau.

"What?" You and Aphmau questioned.

"If hes going to make a move on you, then he has to date you!"

"Ahaha! Exscuse me? Zane...Thats not how love works--" "Its not?" You questioned.

"W-What!? No! You can't just force someone in a relationship because it's convenient!" Aphmau scoffed, as if the answer of obvious.

Zane took out his sword making your ears go up in shock.

"Whats with the sword---Where are you going!?"

"Oh dear..." You mumbled.

"TO FORCE HIM TO DATE YOU BECAUSE ITS CONVENIENT!" He growled, walking off to most likley Aarons house.

"Ah! So you only date people because its convenient! That makes more sense!" You smiled.

"What!? No--Zane!" She called.

She picked you up chased after him.

You walked behind Aphmau with your hands in your jacket pockets before she got infront of Zane.

"Zane! Stop! Sense when did you become this overprotective?"

"W-Well...Sense I became your friend, I would think that its my duty to make sure you and Y/N happy."

"Ahaha! Oh Zane! What you did right now was...thoughtful...Yes. But, your trying to force something thats not ment to be forced."

"What do you mean? He kissed you and you kissed him back. That means you love eachother right?"

"Yeah! I'm also pretty confused Aph..." You mumbled.

"Well, you didn't let me finish before you stormed off. A-Aaron and I....Are going to keep things casual! And...See where it leads...Were not official or anything like that and...Honestly we'd like to remain great friends for now. B-But maybe we'll go date occasionally or something like that..." Aphmau blushed.

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