Chapter 9

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|F/A: Favorite Animal|
You stared at the boat you all arrived in smiling as Gyde began to explain the Natural Nature Experience.

It was something Aphmau and Aaron must've did.

"Okay campers! I'm so glad you guys decided to take advantage of 'Love~Love Paradises Natural Nature Experience!' "

"I've never been camping before! This is going to be so great!"

"Me neither! Do you think we'll see an F/A? Oh my gosh! Asher, do you think we'll see a F/A!?"

"Doupt it...F/A's are pretty rare to find around here."


"But if we look hard enough, it might show up." He sighed, trying to lift your spirits.

"Yay!" He came along after you asked Aphmau if you could bring him.

You wore a F/C sweater with shorts and brown boots.

You had a backpack on your back for anything you all may need.

You put your hair in pigtails.

Asher on the other hand wore a white button up with shorts and tennis shoes.

He didn't have anything with him except a book on wildlife.

"Thats right! Your gonna have just the best time!"

"Yeah, we've been looking foreward to this for awhile now." "You mean ever since Aphmau heard about it..." "Travis, come on. It'll be fun. Trust me." "Don't be a party pooper Travis!" You pouted.

"Exactly! Thats the spirit!"

"And you said theres a waterfall here right?"

"Waterfall!?" You and Aphmau gasped.

"Absolutely! The veiws here are just fantastic! It's surprising more people don't come out on this experience more often!"

"Yeah. I didn't think we were going to be able to do it this soon."

"Me either." Aaron and Asher commented.

"Hahaha! Yup! You all sure are lucky everything you need will be here at the campsite!"

"Aw...Guess I don't need this backpack then."

"Hey! You can still be prepared!" Travis smiled.

"I just have one question thoug--"

"Welp! I really should be going. I hope you'll all have fun now! Remember, we'll be back in a couple of days to pick you up! Ta~Ta!"

"Haha! I like him!"

"He didn't answer his question though. I have a bad feeling about where this Guy Sent us." Asher muttered.

"You think to much Asher! Lets jusy camp!" You grinned.

"Whatever you say Y/N..." Asher shrugged.

You all made you way to the campsite taking in all of the nature around.

As soon as you arrived, you ran around squealing looking at everything.

"So cool! But no F/A..." You pondered.

"I'm sure we'll find one soon enough." Asher shrugged, opening his book.

Aphmau looked around with you before Travis spoke up.

"This uh...This has some character--Okay yeah. This place sucks."

"Travis!" You whined.

"Hes not wrong Y/N. Theres...uh...Nothing here."

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