Chapter 10

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"Concentration!...48!...My turn...Your turn...The category is...?...Mom..?...Mom!" "H-Huh? What is it?" "Are you playing or not..." You huffed.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah I am. Sorry, I'm just--" "Distracted. Yeah, I know." You pulled away and leaned against the wall, clear irritation on your face.

Aphmau sighed, "Y/n, c'mon. I have to watch over Aaron." "No you don't. She's watching over Aaron."

"I know that but...we can't trust her just yet. We just met her. Weren't you the same way when you and I first met?"

"That was different. I was still new and fresh to the mysterious world you brought me in. You could have showed me a cat and i'd have to work my way up to trusting it. This woman is safe. She built a fire, saved Aarons life since you couldn't."

"Hey now..."

"And also saved my life! She's fine, she's good. I can feel it in here." "Your heart?"

"No, my stomach. Buuut..maybe that's cause i'm hungry. Or I have to poop. I don't know. Anyways, the only one who's being weird right now is you. Your jealousy is getting outta hand." "I am not jealous!"

"Yeah. You're not jealous even though this episode is titled 'Aphmaus Jealousy'." "Wait, what--" "Anyways. Can you just calm down for a few seconds? Aaron's fine."

"I know. But.." "...Ugh, nevermind." "Y/n--" "He's warming up..!" The mysterious woman called out as Aaron groaned and stirred in his sleep.

"Are you awake?" Aaron didn't answer besides his muffled grumble.

"Still needing more rest. I understand. You lost a lot of strength doing what you did. I still don't understand why you'd do such a thing."  The woman sighed. But she trailed off at Aphmau poutish sort of glare.

"You're still staring at me." "Hmph! No i'm not.." "Yeah you are." "Y/n! Who's side are you on here." "Hers. I thought I've made that very clear." "Wha--But--I'm your mother, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"Not when you're being irrational and petty."

"Oh, someones been expanding their vocabulary."

"Your gaze is as bright as fire..!" The woman breathed out, almost in shock.

"Is it really?" You beamed. "That's not...I just--" "A gaze like an Alpha." That caught your attention.

An Alpha?

You haven't heard that term in quite a long time...

If you remember right, an Alpha was the leader of a pack consisting of a male and a female wolf or werewolf.

But Aphmau was neither.

So how was her gaze similar to one?

"Something about your eyes...It's like an Alpha." "What do you mean?" You muttered.

"Is your Mother by chance a werewolf?" "I thought this was past me long ago..." Aphmau whispeared, making you look up instantly.

"MOM ARE YOU A WEREWOLF!? HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!" "I'm not a werewolf. And even if I didn't tell you, you have no room to complain." "...Fair."

"I am not a werewolf. But, I've had experiences with werewolves before. And I'm actually raising one, obviously. So if my gaze reminds you of a wolf then that's why." Aphmau smiled, ruffling the top of your head.

"I see..."

You paused, staring at the woman.

Then you asked the question that continued to plauge Aphmaus mind and your own since this woman appeared, "You're friends with the wolves here, aren't you?"

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