Chapter 18

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"Come on Ashy!"


"Why not? Hasn't it been like...A ridiculously long time since you and me have had an Asher Y/n adventure!"

"Your right. It has been. And I'd like to keep it that way."

"Aww...Don't be like that! It'll be fun, I promise!" You grinned.

On your returning home yesturday, you found out Melissa had stopped by the Maid Café! You were a tad disapointed that you didn't get to see her but Aphmau did inform you that she said 'Hello' so that was enough to make your tail wag and eyes sparkle. Her and Aphmau spoke about the Maid Café and such before Melissa offered to put you, Aaron, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Laurance, Gene, Garroth, and Zane on a cooking show called 'The Diamond Chef'.

You watched with Aphmau once but didn't understand. It was just everyone cooking (badly) on TV before one is declared the winner.

What's such a big deal about that?

But Aphmau said you could invite one of your friends none the less since Melissa needed one more person to be on the show.

You asked Rocky but she was going somewhere with Moms so she couldn't go.

Ethan really wanted to go but knew nothing about cooking and Alex told him not to go on that show and embarrass himself.

Speaking of, they just blantly said no so...fair.

The only ones left to ask were Nico, Sophia, Logan, and Asher.

The twins said it wasn't their thing and you went to Asher before Logan.

"Please Ashey~?" He groaned at the nickname before nodding.

"Yeah okay..." "YES!"

"But, Y/n, I swear if I make a fool out of myself you will not hear the end of it." "You won't! I promise!" You smiled, wrapping up Asher in a hug.

He rolled his eyes but hugged back nontheless as Logan whined.

"Y/nnn! Why didn't you try n' invite meee!" "Because I assumed you wouldn't wanna go Logan. M' sorry..." You shrugged, giving your other friend a hug.

Logan pouted for the rest of the day but eventually got over it as Rocky pointed out Logan go to spend practically the entire day as you partner in class so it was only fair.

And after Asher informed his parents of his whereabouts, you both got on the bus home with Nico and Sophia giving the two of you tips on cooking.

You two stepped off the bus with the latter grinning like a madman.

"Stop bouncing like that, I'm almost positive you'll get yourself sick."

"But I'm so excited! Were going to be cooking infront of people! I've never cooked before...Whats it like?"

"Like your standing near a hot stove forever."

"That sounds great!" "You think so?"

"Oo! There they are! Hey! Were heeereee!" "Y/n! Asher! Hey!" Aphmau waved.

You dragged Asher along as he let out a yelp at how fast you were. The moment the two of you came to a stop, Asher held his head with a dizzy expression.

"You could have warned me." "Sorry Ashey!" "Stop calling me that." "NEVERRR!"

"Oh? Y/n, is this the person you chose for me?" A voice spoke out.

"Hm?...! AUNTIE MEL~MEL!" The woman giggled to herself as you wrapped your arms around her waist with a giggle.

"I haven't seen you in a bit! How are you?"

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