Chapter Three

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The first time he threw up was when the smell of seafood reeked through his kitchen. His family invited the Tsukishima's over for dinner and made seafood. The smell was ghastly and Yamaguchi found himself emptying out his lunch from earlier. Luckily Kei was there and comforted his sick boyfriend. 

Tadashi was extremely pale, even Sakura, Tsukki's mom commented. Both Kei's brother and mom said their goodbyes after eating dinner which the two younger boys had separately. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi ate dinner in the shorter one's room, not wanting to spread the 'bug' around. The blonde boy stayed the night, comforting his sick boyfriend who had a sore stomach. 

The next morning Tsukishima woke up to the sound of vomiting. He quickly rushed to his side and held his hair back. "It's okay, it's okay," he said in a hushed manner, trying to sooth the crying boy.


When Tsukishima arrived to the gym alone everyone quickly questioned him where the other boy was. Usually the two would come together hand in hand. They were inseparable and had been since they became friends.

"Tadashi's sick, he forced me to come here though he should be better in a couple days," the middle blocker enforced. Merely everybody told Kei to tell his boyfriend that they said for him to get better. Which he replied plainly with a 'hm'. 

Practice went by as normal, maybe a little different since Yamaguchi wasn't here but it wasn't like it was the first time someone felt a tad ill and had to stay home.

"Is he okay? What's the matter with him?" Hinata questioned during their break, wanting to know more about his friend. 

"He's been vomiting since Saturday night, must've caught a bug," he replied coolly. Hinata nodded and went to sit next to Kageyama. He put his legs onto the raven haired ones lap and whispered in his ear. "I bet Tsukishima knocked up Yamaguchi, that's why he's not here," he laughed but Kageyama lightly punched the older male. 

"Don't be stupid! they are, we are only 16" Tobio told him, giving his 'friend' a warning look.

"Woah, don't do that crazy scary weird as look you do, it scares me" he whined causing both of them to fall into laughter. So oblivious. Everyone thought.


"Hey! Tsukishima!" a silver haired boy yelled out. Tsukishima turned his head to the older boy, giving a wave and stopping in his tracks. Practice had finished nearly 30 minutes ago and everyone just left. "Hi" he replied.

"This is for Yamaguchi, I overheard you and Hinata talking and thought this might help. Just put some hot water in it and just put it on your stomach. It's from me and Daichi, tell him to take care please, and take it easy. Want him to feel better so he can get as much training in before we beat Shiratorizawa shitty ass!" Suga explained, handing over a hot water bottle.

"Oi, don't say things like that" Daichi told his boyfriend, slipping his arm around his waist. Tsukki half smiled at the older couple before nodding.

"I'll give it to him, thanks." he said emotionlessly. He said goodbye to his vice captain and captain then started walking to his sick boyfriends house.


Yamaguchi didn't get better in a couple days though. The puking wasn't as bad but it happened every 7 hours or so. The water bottle helped a bit, his stomach wasn't as sore. It had been at least 4 days since Yamaguchi became sick, he was taking around 2-3 pills every morning just to ease the nauseousness.

A few of his friends from College (Mainly the Volleyball club) came by and dropped off some get better cards and a couple of them gave him some chocolate. 

Now Yamaguchi laid with his head on Tsukishima's lap half asleep. The blonde stroked his long tender fingers through the freckled boys hair. That was until a wave of nausea came across Tadashi and had to run to the bathroom. Tsukki held his hair back and patted his back.

Once he was done, he sank down onto the bathroom floor and sobbed. "This sucks, my stomach hurts! I blame that stupid Thai food we ate last week from that cheap food stall," he said while being held by the taller male.

Thai food...

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