Chapter Eight

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As the sun began to set, setting ablaze to the horizon clouds, Yamaguchi found himself dozing off on the window. The hand that was supporting his head was numb for having not moved for an hour or so. His mind was flooded with thoughts about the new unexpected news. 

The doctor prescribed him some morning sickness pills which had helped more than less. It had been three days, Tsukishima has yet to know about Tadashi's current position. The freckled boy hadn't stopped blaming himself over those three days. The thought of Tsukki leaving him never stopping. The worst thing was that Tsukishima keeps getting so close to accidentally finding out the truth. Too close. 

Some movie was streaming in the background that Yamaguchi lost interest in as why his current position. Tsukki was at a family dinner and Tadashi's mom got called into work about some mistake a new co-worker made. Suddenly the front door closed causing the boy to move his head. A tall blonde boy came into the living room. He noticed his younger boyfriend, moving to go hug him.

"I was thinking of going to school tomorrow? Seeing as I've missed an entire two weeks, a bunch of practice's and a massive match against Shiratorizawa," he told Tsukki. The older commented with something along with the lines with it being okay.

"Anyway, how was it?" Tadashi asked, stroking his fingers through the blondes hair while they hugged. He savoured this moment, it may be the last. Tsukishima looked up to Yamaguchi, giving him a rare smile. "It was fine, missed you" he replied, leaning into the others touch. It was common for the two to have these affectionate moments when they were alone, no one needed to know though. The shorter one giggled softly at his words. 

"I missed you too."

The two ended up in Yamaguchi's bed, entangled in a soft embrace. They whispered sweet nothings in each others ear, chuckling every now and then at what the other would've said. Tadashi still felt guilty though. He needed to tell Kei sooner than later.. Just not right now.

"Tsukki?" the younger one asked as they started to drift off to a rather peaceful sleep. The older one hummed as a response. Both their eyes were shut but they could both clearly see each other. "Promise to never leave?" Tsukishima's heart swelled at the other boys words. He held him tighter before whispering.

"Not even in my wildest dreams" and a rather peaceful sleep they got.


Both woke up with a startle. Yamaguchi awoke with a cry as he felt the nausea rush over him. He sprinted into the bathroom, emptying his stomach as he leant over the toilet bowl. Tsukishima trailed behind the boy quickly, making sure everything was alright. He rubbed small circles on the sick boys back, telling him things about how it's okay and everything's alright. Everything was not alright.

"Maybe it's a good idea to stay home today?" Kei suggested after everything calmed down a bit.

"No, trust me I can go today," Tadashi hadn't known that what he said caused everything to go down hill. Tsukishima quickly shut him down, "No? You just threw up, it's best if you stay". But Yamaguchi wanted to go to school and now that he knew the real reasoning behind all the vomiting there was no point to not go anymore. So he fought over his rights to go.

"No it's fine for me to go! The doctor even said so," a switch went on in the blonde boy's head as Yamaguchi said that. The last time he went to a doctor was with Tsukishima and the doctor said nothing of the sort. In fact, he recommended him to not have encounters with more than ten people at once, the last time he checked there was definitely more than four hundred people at their school.

"The doctor never said that Tadashi! Stop lying" he said a lot more sterner. The freckled face male was taken back at what he said and the way that he said it. He didn't mean to give a clue about how he saw another doctor and how she confirmed that he was with child, it just kinda slipped. "Unless you went to another one?". Fuck.

"What? No! Of course I haven-didn't not see another doctor, the other doctor just said it when you weren't with me," he couldn't think of excuses and lies at the heat of the moment. He was screwed and he knew it. He was truly fucked.

"The other doctor? What? I was literally with you the whole time Tadashi, why the hell are you lying to me?" things were getting heated in the tiny bathroom. It didn't mean to slip. He didn't mean to say it. Not this way.

"Cause I'm pregnant!" he basically screamed.


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