Epilogue {Pt. One}

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It's a strange feeling. Unusual but so thrilling. Everyone watching you before the big shot. Captain of Karasuno Boys Volleyball Team, Tadashi Yamaguchi, was up next to serve. This could end it all. 35-36 was the current score. If they got one more point then it'd be over and they'd win. Now, it was all up to the freckled face boy. 

Self-consciously, his eyes trailed to where all the coaches were sitting. Coach Ukai sat next to Takeda, hands glued together. Yachi and Hatsumi standing up beside the bench. The third year team manager held a little blonde girl in her hands. Machiko squirmed in Yachi's arms, watching both her parents on the court. The now eleven month old smiled when she noticed her mother's attention, making grabby hands towards him. Tadashi giggled, focusing back onto the game. 

Tsukishima was the only middle blocker whose hands weren't covering his head. Yamaguchi smiled at his boyfriend, awaiting for the whistle to blow. And when it did, the only thing that mattered in that moment was himself and the ball. 

Tadashi Yamaguchi, captain of the boys volleyball team, scored another point for Karasuno with his float serves. They won. The gym echoed with cheers from his teammates. This was where Yamaguchi belonged. 

Tsukki was the first to Tadashi. He wrapped his arms around the boy, spinning him in the air. Hinata came up to Yama, squeezing him in a hug. Shoyo went to his taller boyfriend, jumping into Kageyama's arms. They kissed and hugged tightly whilst crying. All the other members were in tears as they hugged. Coach Ukai was looking at everyone proudly alongside Takeda. Hatsumi and Yachi cheered, careful of the tiny one in the blondes arms.

Tsukishima looked at Tadashi, kissing the boy lovingly before both went to their little creation. Hitoka passed them Machiko who laughed when she was handed into their arms.

"Hey Chiko," the two said in union. She smiled cutely, reaching for them to bring her closer than she already was. 

"Mama! Da-d-da," Machiko stuttered. She only just started saying those words. And of course, "Volleyball!". 

Tsukishima and Yama chuckled at their child's actions. Kei replaced Yams with holding the baby. He held her close, blowing raspberries on her small stomach. Machiko was a small baby, but she was still healthy and strong. She had blonde hair that reached her ears and freckles just like her mom. 

"Hey bubs, did you watch mommy and daddy play Volleyball?" Tsukki asked, admiring both his boyfriend and daughter. 

Machi didn't really understand what her parents were saying, but nevertheless shook her hand while poking her tongue at. The older boys laughter surrounded them.

"Fair enough" Kei responded. 

After the final match of the day deeming them going to nationals, everyone went out to the hall where they were greeted with the former graduates. Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Kiyoko, Noya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, even Narita and Kinoshita were there. They all embraced the winning team, congratulating them. 

"Told you you'd be a great captain Tadashi!" Ennoshita commented after pulling away from their hug. 

"I- thanks Ennoshita-san," he bowed unnecessarily. 

"Aha, no need for that! Congratulations though, you were amazing out there" they then parted ways. Kenma and Kuroo apparently came to watch and were talking to Hinata. The small ball of sunshine chatted on and on about something, Kenma actually seemed interested. Kuroo felt a tad jealous, but no matter what he knew Kozume was his, and he was Kenma's. 

"Oi! Four eyes," Tsukki turned to where the voice came from only to find Akaashi trailing behind Bokuto. The blonde said hello, but then ignored whatever else he had to say. That is, until the owl said something that caught his unwanted attention.

"It's ready,".


"She usually sleeps right through the night, but if she does wake up put some soft music on. And she isn't a big fan of feeding from the bottle so just put on Bo On The Go! and she should be better. An-" Yama was cut off with his continuous ranting. 

"Tadashi, I've got this okay? You and Kei just have fun, not too much though, one grandchild this early is enough," Sakura reassured him before their date. The green haired boy sighed, watching his child laugh in her grandmother's arms. 

"Alright. Again, thank you so much" he said. Tsukki also thanking his mom.

"Of course, now get going!" mother Tsukishima implied. 

Hesitantly, Yam's trailed back to the car with the blonde in front of him. Soon, they were off to somewhere Tadashi didn't know of. Eventually the car stopped and in front of them was a beautiful restaurant. Something he doubted even his savings would be able to afford. Kei was first out of the car, opening up the passenger side door for his boyfriend.

The two were quickly seated at a far table. It was private and had a chandelier that was most definitely worth more than their house.

"How'd you even afford this place? It's stunning," Yamaguchi commented. 

"Doesn't matter about the cost. But yeah, it is stunning," Tsukishima replied, eyeing the younger boy. 

"Yeah! Like that chandelier looks like real crystals and this floor is basically gol-"

"I wasn't talking about this place," he instead said, earning a flustered Tadashi. A waiter came up to them, they ordered their food and drinks. Half an hour later, two large dishes were placed in front of them. The boys dug into the meals. Little groans of delight escaped their mouths.

Now they were back in the car, listening to Yamaguchi's favorite song. Kei listened to the younger ones soothing humming as he drove to his final destination. He pulled up beside a familiar park. It was dark out, the only light was the street lamps, the stars and the glowing moon. Without thinking, they exited the vehicle. Tsukki guided them to a spot in the park. That was when it clicked to Tadashi. This was the park where they met. Where Kei defended Yama from the bullies in middle school. 

"What're we doing here?" the freckled face boy had his back turned to Tsukishima, admiring the spot. He heard some rustling behind him causing him to turn around. A gasp escaped yamaguchi's mouth. The blonde was on one knee, holding a velvet box in his hand. Tears threatened to leave Yamaguchi's body, and did so when Kei started his speech.

"Tadashi, I know we're young. And very, very dumb. But I don't want my life to end without you. We created a life together, a life I love and I know you love very much so. We're a family, and you're the centre of it. I didn't really write down what to say which now I really regret but doesn't matter! I'm not good with people, they always annoy me. But you, there's something about you that's different from the others. I feel like you're my other half, and if soulmates existed then there is no doubt you'd be mine. You brought me my love and joy in two different ways. One is our beautiful daughter, and the other... Well, the other is you Tadashi. So I want our love to be told to everyone, I want our love to be written down in books. Tadashi Yamaguchi, please marry me?" the other was left speechless. Tears streamed down his face hearing everything Tsukishima just said. His heart was about to explode. So this is what destiny was. 

"I- Yes! Of course!" Yama cried, slipping on the gold ring with three emeralds carefully placed in the centre. Both jumped into an embrace. Their lips fitting together like a puzzle piece. Now Tadashi wasn't the only one crying. They were now one their next chapter in life. 


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