Chapter Twenty-One

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No, it's too early. Three weeks went by fast, not five weeks. The boy gripped onto his abdomen as the pain stroke through his body. It was sore, but tolerable. Tadashi hissed out as he fell to the ground.  Everyone's attention was switched from cleaning to Yamaguchi. Though when they saw him, he was whimpering on the floor. The first to run to Yama was Tsukishima, swooping up Tadashi's body scared. The boy he loved seemed to be hurting, he felt terrified. The others trailed behind, watching cautiously. The coach and volleyball manager weren't there.

"Are you okay?" Tsukki asked worriedly, bringing Tadashi into his chest. Yam's nodded, gripping to his shirt. 

"I-I think it's a contraction... I thi-think I'm going into labor," he choked out. Yamaguchi's eyes widened as he felt a wet substance trail down his legs. "I think my water just broke" everyone went into full panic mode. Ennoshita called somebody somewhere along the line, probably the hospital or something.  They were all teenagers, some young adults so no one really knew what to do. Noya called the former third years. They said they'd been on there way.

The contraction was over in around a minute. The freckled boy breathed out in relief, saying how it was over. Kei helped the boy to stand. He struggled as Tadashi was carrying another human inside him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Mhm," Yam's responded, looking around at everyone else self-consciously. He'd just gone into labor in front of all his friends. Although the first years did go home, that was a relief. 

No longer than a few seconds later the gym doors swung open revealing four familiar heads. The three boys and one girl piled into the room. Suga came next to Tadashi. 

"Hey there, how you doing?" the silver haired male asked. Noya went to Asahi, hugging him. Kiyoko flickered a smile at Tanaka. Both Shimizu and Sugawara talked to the pregnant boy for they had the most knowledge about what was happening.

"My water broke a minute ago after the first contraction, I think it's over though," he replied. Tsukishima clung to his boyfriend, his sight never leaving the boy. 

"Clearly. We should probably go to the hospital but we can stop by your house quickly if you need to get anything? Like maybe a hospital bag if you guys have packed one," Kiyoko said. Yamaguchi said that they hadn't packed one and that he'd get his mother to retrieve some things for him. Soon, they were off in Suga and Daichi's seven seater car. The oldest couple sat in the front, Sawamura driving while holding Koshi's hand. Kiyoko sat right beside Yamaguchi who had Tsukishima holding him. The rest said that they'd visit or would go in their own vehicle.

While they were driving, the boy experienced another contraction, it was the same as the other one.

Once they reached the hospital, the blonde scrambled out still holding Tadashi. The other graduates made their way out of the car, leading the way to the entrance. 

Now, the pregnant boy found himself in a hospital bed with a bunch of other people in the room with him. There was Hinata who was without Kageyama, then Sugawara and the rest of the former third years. Nishinoya was also there, explaining how Tanaka didn't want him to feel crowded so he'd come after everything settled down. The soon to be grandparents were on their way too.

Another contraction struck Yams. Tsukishima helped him through it whilst everyone watched sadly. It was over in a minute and everyone relaxed. A doctor came into the room shortly after.

"How are you doing Tadashi?" a random nurse asked, holding her clip board firmly to her chest. Everyone kept asking that, he was fine.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he responded. She asked some more questions, like how painful the contractions were and stuff like that before she told him, "I'd say you're doing pretty well. This little one won't need pushing out for a wee while, I'll be back in around an hour to check on you, if you need anything just press the button right here," Yamaguchi nodded, then the nurse left. 

"Hey Tsukki?" the freckled face boy asked, earning everyone's attention. Kei hummed.

"Do you reckon we could go for a quick walk around the hospital?" the blonde agreed, taking ahold of Yamaguchi as he got out of the bed. The others followed behind him but went the opposite way of the hospital towards the cafeteria. 

On the walk, the two walked past many rooms, they walked up a few stairs and took a couple elevators back to their original floor. When they entered back into the room, Tsukishima's mother was there. 

"Hey mom," the boy with glasses said. The mother pulled them in for a hug. Yama went back onto the bed with some help from the Tsukishima's. Sakura talked to the two males. 

"Argh," he complained when he felt the contraction hit him again, this time a bit more powerful than the last three. Sakura alongside Tsukki helped him, comforting him and letting Tadashi squeeze their hands. 

"They suck right?" the oldest in the room said. Yamaguchi agreed after it died down. 

An hour went by of a checkup, a few people visiting, Sugawara constantly checking if he was alright yet no sign of the pregnant's mom. Kei noticed.

"She'll be here soon baby, don't worry" he soothed, grabbing onto Tadashi's soft hand. Yam's smiled at his older boyfriend.

"I hope so," they smiled at each other, kissing for a split second. They didn't notice mother Tsukishima beam at her son and his partner. She was jealous of their relationship, glad that they found their soulmate.

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