Chapter Seventeen

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When the twenty seven week mark hit, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima found themselves getting cozy in a small apartment near town. There was only really two bedrooms which were the only thing upstairs. Downstairs were one bathroom, a living room that only fits a couch and tv, a kitchen that was made for only three along a dining table, and to top it off, a very narrow hallway with stairs at the end of it. All those things, but the two already called it their first home together. Together.

Their parents (mostly Tsukishima's) decided it was best if they moved in with each other alone due to the baby. No complaints came from Tadashi nor Tsukki's side. So here they were, placing the last box of things on the kitchen counter. 

"I think that's it. I'll go thank them, be right back" Yama said, exiting the place. Soon, he returned. The boy placed a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek.

"Soooo, I was thinking" he trailed off as though he was waiting for Kei to talk but never did. "Maybe we should paint our childs bedroom?" Tadashi finished. 

That's where the two found themselves the next day. Side by side, they started painting the extra room a creamy corn color. They were careful with the wooden tiles, using tape to conceal the parts where paint was most likely going to get. It took around an hour before three walls were painted and now they're started on the fourth wall together. 

"Tsukki.." was what got the olders attention and concern. The way he said it sent chills down his back. Was his boyfriend okay? Was it their baby.

He turned around to see the boy on the floor, looking scared and concerned. Tsukishima lent down, placing his hand on Tadashi's knee. The paint brush was long forgotten. 

"What is it? Are you okay?" Kei blabbed on, seeking answers. That's when he felt it. A long, wet stripe of a somewhat sticky substance roll on his shirt. He knew what it was. That dumbass pranked Tsukishima and now he had paint all over the grey top.

"Baka! What the fuck Tadashi!" the younger one laughed at what he'd done. He didn't expect what happened next though. Kei, in revenge, rolled the paintbrush whom was now drenched in paint carefully down the other ones face.

"How dare you!" Yamaguchi grabbed his brush, coating it thickly in paint and stoke Tsukishima's face. One after the other, they painted each other. Their laughter echoed throughout the small room. 

"This is what you get!" Tsukki said jokingly, blocking one of Yam's attempts to paint him and instead painted him. They both chuckled. This was a rare side of the middle blocker. Maybe just a bit uncommon to Yama though. 

"Boke!" Tadashi yelled. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were now paint buckets themselves. Their laughter died down, though it was still there. Next, Yam's wrapped his arms around Kei's neck, giving him a beaming smile. The blonde's heart melted at the sight. This was HIS boyfriend. His adorable, sweet, kind, and may he add, pregnant boyfriend. Tsukishima kissed his nose causing the freckled boy to unnoticeably blush furiously under the layers and layers of paint.

"We should probably take a shower.. Wanna shower together?"  Kei suggested whilst he wrapped his arms around the smaller ones waist. Tadashi complied but didn't move. They stayed in that position for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a couple minutes before they pulled apart and got ready for a shower. 

Once the shower was the perfect temperature, Tsukki stepped in first, Yamaguchi following after. Moments later, they were making out under the water. Kissing sloppily as the hot water sprayed on them. Drifting apart took a few minutes, but was followed by Kei washing his boyfriends hair. 

Yama's twenty seven week belly stood out, most certainly. The blonde wrapped his arms around Tadashi stomach, smiling into the others neck. "I love you," was followed by "I love you too,". 

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