Chapter Five

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The little ray of sunshine engulfed Yamaguchi in a tight embrace. He squealed as he held his sick friend, he missed him so much it was insane. "Hey there Hinata," Tadashi commented, pushing him off himself, feeling a wave of nausea rush over him but tried to keep it down as best he could. Hinata smiled, a raven haired boy appearing to the older boys side. Yamaguchi smiled at both the other first years. 

"Long time no see, how have you been feeling? Are you still feeling nauseous? You still look a bit ill? Do you know what's wrong with you? Do you have some sort of stomach bug or food poisoning or maybe you might have another weird crazy unexplainable condition?" Hinata asked before being whacked on the top of his head  by Kageyama, "Do you ever shut up boke?". Hinata said a solid sorry. The ginger sat down on the couch alongside the setter and pinch server. Yamaguchi still felt under the weather, maybe worse ever since he tried pushing down the sickness when the two knocked on the door. 

He couldn't hold it in. The freckled face boy ran into the bathroom, being followed by Hinata and Kageyama and threw up all of his contents from earlier. The oldest soothingly rubbed the back of Tadashi, waiting for him to finish. The ginger held Yamaguchi once he was finished, still rubbing his back. He looked at Kageyama, giving him the look that only he understood. "Friends". Kageyama understood and went to retrieve what the other boy was asking for. 

Once he came back he handed the short male what he asked for and left the room to sit in the living area. Hinata, still rubbing short circles on Tadashi's back, pulled back a bit. "Uhm, Suga and I were a bit confused... But uhm, have you and.. uh, you know? Like, have you and like Tsukki, I don't know-", he blabbered on, not pausing for any breath of the sort. Yamaguchi was confused at the older boy, he was talking excessively and not making any sense at all. 

"Has Tsukki and I what?" he asked, voice a little dry from throwing up just seconds ago. Hinata took a deep breath. He wasn't prepared for this but he knew he had to do it. 'Suga should be doing this, not me' he thought to himself. Shoyo smiled half heartedly.

"Have you and Tsukki done like, the deed?" the younger boy felt his cheeks heat up. The memory came rushing back of the night they won against Aoba Johsai. A light pink tinted over Yamaguchi's pale cheeks, giving Hinata somewhat of an answer. Yamaguchi looked down to be greeted with what looked like a pregnancy test. He looked up at Hinata, his small smile fading. Water formed at the very back of his mouth and he visibly gulped at the sight. Without thinking, he took the stick into his own hands, looking at the floor away from eyesight of Shoyo. The ginger tucked the test in the others hand then walked off closing the door behind him.

Yamaguchi stared at it for a while, not knowing what to do with it. He could hear Hinata, Kageyama and Tsukishima all chatting in the living room. Tsukki must've come here a minute ago or so.


A few minutes later, the freckled face boy walked out of the bathroom empty handed. He didn't have the guts to take the test, afraid of the outcome and how it'll affect both his future and relationship. Hinata was the first to notice the others appearance, giving him a beaming smile. The action caused everyone else to take notice of his arrival, only to be greeted with a pale and sick Yamaguchi. Not like the one Kageyama and Hinata saw when they first got there.

Kageyama spoke up, "Me and Shoy should probably leave, it was nice to see you Tadashi, take care,". He grabbed Hinata by the arm and pulled him off the sofa. Hinata waved goodbye, whispering something in Yamaguchi's ear whilst giving a farewell hug then was off with the youngest boy. 

Once both were gone, Tsukishima made his way over to his boyfriend. He cupped his cheek and gave him a loving kiss. "Stop kissing me so much Tsukki, I might give you this bloody cold" Yamaguchi embarked, pushing away from the kiss. Kei chuckled at the boy, though still a little sad he couldn't kiss his love but he respected his boyfriend and didn't push him.

"Wanna watch a movie? I heard there was a new movie on Netflix about some weird person that turned this girl into an old woman, something about a moving castle I think?" the youngest asked in his new hoarsely voice. Tsukishima nodded. Together they sat down on the couch, watching Howl's Moving Castle. By the end of it Tadashi was in tears. He was sobbing against his boyfriends chest because of the wholesome movie. It wasn't even that sad in Tsukishima's opinion.

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