Chapter Fifteen

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"Pearl Pink or Crepe?" Tsukishima asked, scheming through the different shades of a light pink tone. Yamaguchi laughed, coming next to his older boyfriend.

"We don't even know the gender yet Tsukki, why don't we go for a more natural unisex color? Like soft brown or yellow? It doesn't even have to be a color. We could go for white, maybe grey?" the younger told Kei. Near bothered, Tsukishima put back the palette's he took in replace of a yellow one. Both boys scanned over the colors, determining which ones they liked most.

"Laguna looks nice," they said at the same time causing a furious blush to creep over their faces. Yama put the palette in their basket full of things. Once decided they were finished, they checked out then went to the car.

"What do you think they are?" Tadashi asked while switching through radio stations. When a good song popped on, he leant back on his seat.

"I don't care... But if it's a girl I think I'd be fine. Not that it wouldn't be if she was a boy, I'm just saying." Tsukki tried to say, everything coming out as a blur earning a chuckle from the green haired male next to him. Kei continued to drive as he listened to Yam's sing lyrics every now and then.

"What about you?" the blonde asked after the song finished. Tadashi just shrugged. He put his hands on his seventeen week belly. 

"Like you said, I don't mind as long as they're healthy and happy".

The car ride home was followed with a silence. A comfortable silence. As Tsukishima used one hand to drive, he cupped Yamaguchi's much smaller hand with his other one. They held hands the majority of the way back to Kei's house. When they arrived, each boy took a bag, going inside. The volleyball players put away their things before diving for the sofa. The blonde's mother was out with friends and no one knew where Akiteru was. Probably playing volleyball with former players or friends. 

Kei and Tadashi settled down on the soft cushions together. They cuddled close, inhaling each others presence. That's when Yams spoke up, "Do you reckon we should go out for dinner sometime with the team?"


"Yamaguchi! Tsukishima!" the oldest couple greeted their teammates. Suga and Daichi seemed to be the only ones there at the moment besides Tadashi and Tsukki who just arrived. Somehow they weren't the last nor were they late to the restaurant. Miraculously. 

Both sat down at the table the other two sat at, engaging in a conversation. Kei didn't talk much, he just drew circles with his long skinny fingers on his boyfriend's back. Soon enough, everyone was there.

The three third years were all talking about something in their lives. Nishinoya's legs were placed in Asahi's laps as he spoke to Hinata and Yamaguchi about how he and his boyfriend went bungee jumping. A part being said about Azumane being too scared to continue with it.

Then there was Kageyama who was being tortured by Tanaka. No one wanted to get involved in that. Kageyama sat next to Hinata, stealing quick glances. Kiyoko was beside Tobio, chatting away with Yachi about god knows what. Of course there was the forgotten trio talking amongst themselves. Not that anybody really minded. Tsukishima continued his circling motions on the pregnant boys back. 

"So how far along are you?" Noya asked after his finishing statement about how Asashi should actually jump off a higher platform with him when they next go on an adventure.

Yamaguchi chuckled softly, placing his hands on his stomach. Tadashi answered, "Seventeen weeks and six days,". After everyone ordered their meals and drinks, them coming twenty minutes later, a conversation began about two boys in the team.

"Are you guys dating?" Tanaka asked, pointing his fork at Hinata and Kageyama. The two blushed, looking down almost immediately. 

"Oh come on! You guys are either dating or really oblivious. It's obvious you guys have feelings for each other and it's pissing everyone off," Nishinoya sided with the boldie. Well if it isn't the 2/3's of the dynamic trio going against the last quarter. 

Shoyo looked at Kageyama in need for help almost, sighing as he realised there was no escaping as they were cornered. The ginger took ahold of Karasuno number 9's hand which made everyone gasp in a relief way.

"I-I, we've like been, I don't know? Like, dating for maybe uh- fiveish months?" Hinata answered almost uncertain. Kageyama didn't talk, he looked down at their interlocked hands smiling. Was the king actually smiling? Tsukki had thought.

Dinner continued with perfection. Before they knew it, everyone was departing. Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Tadashi looked to be the last people there. Shoyo hugged the green haired male, whispering in his ear, "Good luck,". Both couples said goodbye (Despite Tobio and the blonde not acknowledging each others presence). 

A sweet smell welcomed two first years home. After taking off their shoes and coats, they made their way up the stairs to Tadashi's room. They changed, brushed their teeth then cuddled up in the star bed.

"Goodnight, I love you Tsukki."

"I love you too Tadashi."

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