Chapter Sixteen

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It started off as a sunny day but as the sky moved, so did the clouds. When evening hit, the rain was restless. The thunder struck down selfishly. A blonde and green haired male were fast asleep on a sofa. The rain and lightning were somewhat calming to them as they napped. Peaceful. Until, like the weather, the pregnant one awoke with a startle. He ran to the bathroom holding in his nausea. The moment he reached the toilet, he threw up his breakfast from earlier. Tsukishima rushed after Tadashi, being awoken by the boy. He found Yamaguchi emptying out his stomach. Kei kneeled down next to him, patting his back in hopes to comfort him. 

"There there, it's okay" the blonde soothed. Both boys laid down on the floor, Yamaguchi sobbing slightly into his boyfriends chest who held him. Recently, as Tadashi reached his twenty week mark the vomiting hasn't stopped. He cradled his stomach, Tsukishima placing his own hands on top of the younger ones. Together, they held onto the belly whom held a fetus.

"You've got a check up tomorrow, maybe talk to the doctor about it?" Tsukki suggested, kissing the others cheek. The action caused Tadashi to giggle of the sort. 

"Yeah..." he replied. Their hands were still on his stomach. Butterflies swarmed in each of their bodys as they touched. No matter how long they've been together, they can't seem to feel nervous around the other or blush at the slightest of things. A match made in heaven some would say. With different persona's and different qualities, they balanced each other out. 


"Tadashi Yamaguchi and Kei Tsukishima?" a short brunette with glasses asked earning the attention of the younger boys. After standing up, the blonde and freckled males followed after the doctor until they came across a room with the equipment needed. Dr. Ikari instructed Yama to sit down on the bed.

"I'm going to check on your blood pressure first, while I do that please tell me how things have been," she said, putting something around Tadashi.

"Uhm, well lately I've been feeling nauseous a lot. I did feel nauseous at the beginning of my pregnancy but it kinda stopped after a few weeks. It only really started up a few days ago, so I don't really know?" he told her, seeking an answer to why.

"That's completely normal. I understand your concerns. Many people get this. No need to be concerned, it's just a hormone and your body expanding for your baby to fit as it grows further through the pregnancy. I'll prescribe some medication, don't worry" he sighed as did Tsukishima who sat down on one of the chairs next to the desk. 

"Okay, everything seems fine. I'm going to give you some nutritions and vitamins to keep this little one going. Ready to see your baby?" the boys nodded. Soon enough, the pregnant one was lying down on the bed with a cold gel displayed on his stomach. 

"There they are!" she commented. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi saw their baby. They were getting bigger every time they came, soon enough they'd be out of Tadashi's stomach. "Do you want to know the gender?" she asked. This was something Tsukki and Yama talked about. So they nodded, holding each others hands. 

"Well, I'm glad to say it's a-" but was quickly interrupted by the youngest in the room.

"Wait! Actually, I think we'll wait.." the doctor understood, but Tsukishima didn't. He was actually kind of upset at his boyfriend, they'd agreed to find out the gender as soon as they knew they could. Why did Yamaguchi stop her? 

That's when he heard it. a small, but audible heartbeat. While he was thinking, Yamaguchi agreed to hear the heartbeat. 

It was their child's heartbeat. Tears started to spill down the parents eyes. And for some reason, Tsukishima had the most tears. All his thoughts were pushed aside as he held Yams hand harder. For the first time, a fourth heart beated in the room. That's when it struck Kei. This was his family. HIS family. The one he wanted to be with forever. He looked down at his pregnant boyfriend with a loving smile plastered on his teary face. Tadashi noticed this and looked at his boyfriend. They shared a kiss, short and sweet. Nothing mattered besides the growing bean in ones stomach and the young couple. Even though they're only eighteen, they knew they'd found their forever in each other.

That night, things were intimate. Except it wasn't just thoughtless sex. No,Tsukishima made love to his boyfriend. Slow and soft. Caring and loving. Love as strong as this was rare. The connection they shared was found only once a lifetime. A soulmate connection. They had found their soulmate without even realising. Soon, Yamaguchi was thanking the people that bullied him because otherwise him and Tsukki may not be where they are now. Together, holding each other close in the night time.

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