Chapter Thirteen

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"Tsukki!" Tadashi had yelled out from his bedroom. Tsukishima rushed into the younger ones room, his mind skimming through what could be wrong. His thoughts were dismissed as he saw the shorter one wearing what seemed to be the Karasuno Volleyball uniform. Except it was no longer number 12, but number 11. Yamaguchi was wearing HIS volleyball uniform. It came up to his mid thigh. You see, the freckled boy would sometimes wear Kei's uniform or clothes but something else about him wearing it this time hit differently in his salty mind set. A tiny, near unseeable bump was settled right around his stomach. You could barely see it, but that doesn't mean you couldn't not see it.

The boy was near eleven weeks pregnant. Around this time he would start showing. I guess now was that time. 

"What do you think?" Kei cleared his throat. He wasn't expecting this. Now that the blonde could see Yam's small bump, he was glad that he didn't make a stupid decision to up and leave. He pushed back tears. Who knew the one and only tall, cold hearted Tsukishima had a soft spot. That the boy could cry was unknown to many factors. Of course one of those factors were not Yamaguchi. 

Kei placed his hands on Tadashi's stomach. A gentle smile plastered on his face. He giggled. He actually let out a genuine, happy giggle. Yamaguchi's heart tightened at the sound. Butterflies arose in his (pregnant) stomach. The two pulled in for a tight embrace. Yamaguchi placed his hands in the tallers blonde hair whilst Tsukishima wrapped his arms protectively around Tadashi's petite waist. The freckled face boy let out a chuckle aimed at the other boy.

"Shut up Yamaguchi,"

"Gomen Tsukki,".

They pulled apart, Tsukishima with a slight curl of his lips and Tadashi with a full heartedly smile.

"I was thinking about Fugu fish for dinner, what do you think?" the middle blocker hummed at the suggestion. In all honesty, he didn't mind what they would eat. It's not like he would eat much of it. He rarely has an appetite after all. 

That night they served up some Takifugu for dinner. Tsukishima insisted that the other boy ate a bit more since he was now eating for two. Yamaguchi didn't argue, he had no need to. Fugu fish was his favorite dish anyway. Yam's digged into his platter. Kei ate around ten mediumish bites before he declared he was done. There was an extra plate at the other end of the table for Tadashi's mom but they later assumed she wouldn't be home for dinner.

"Movie time?" the boy with freckles suggested. After they put away the dishes and leftovers, the two sat on the couch half snuggled. Tadashi flicked through Neon and then Netflix in search for anything for them to watch. He came across a movie that was most promising and plopped it on.

"It's called Your Name, looks kinda interesting,". Half way through the movie small snores could be heard. Tsukki looked down at his boyfriend to find him asleep in between his legs. The movie didn't really interest him so he turned it off. Kei cuddled into Tadashi more to make it comfortable for them to sleep. A random blanket found hanging on the sofa was chucked over top of them from Tsukishima.

He kissed the top of Yam's head before whispering, "Goodnight love, sleep well".


"Is that Oikawa? Ha, haven't seen him since the Aoba Johsai match two month ago or so," Yamaguchi commented to his boyfriend who looked where the other was looking. They were at the grocery store due to Yamaguchi's craving of chocolate.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were semi-fighting over which apple to get. Tooru insisted that his apple was redder but Iwaizumi fought that his was. Some found it hard to believe that they were even a couple by the way they rant off in each others faces. In fact it was much harder to believe that they even had a kid. Takuro Iwaizumi was their only son, he was around three to four months old. It was no surprise that the baby took his looks after Oikawa. Takuro was probably the most prettiest baby that Tadashi had ever seen.

Hajime seemed to notice Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's existence, waving a hello at them. The action caused Oikawa to look at the younger two boys. Both olders walked over to them with Takuro in Tooru's arms.

"Well if it isn't freckled boy and four eyes," Iwaizumi commented, earning a rather large whack to the head from his boyfriend.

"Don't be stupid Iwa~chan," the tall brunette stopped for a second. "Long time no see Tadashi and Tsukishima, how have you guys been?" being a mom must've changed Oikawa's mindset. Clearly.

"Great! Being thirteen weeks pregnant really takes a kick to you," Yamaguchi replied. Oikawa laughed quietly, adjusting the way Takuro's head was laying on his shoulder.

"I heard about the news, if you need anything like advice or some crap from your favorite setter then just text me on Instagram or Snapchat," Tooru used his free index finger to point at Yamaguchi in a weird way. Both former Aoba Johsai's and Karasuno's said their goodbyes. 

"Oikawa definitely has a bondage kink," Tsukishima randomly blurted out in the middle of the supermarket, earning a weak punch to the shoulder from his boyfriend.

"Don't just say that in public!" Yama warned the blonde.

"But it's true though right?"

"Oh yeah, no, it's definitely true"

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