The Cruel One

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I turn back and make my way to the exit. Home is where I require to be, even if I don't feel at home anywhere atall.

I ambulate through the hallways perfunctorily towards the exit. My body feels uncomfortable, as if silk has been rubbed on it perpetually.

As I near the exit, I see my mother. She is laughing at something the man with her has said. I get alert and as I'm about to digress and leave with another exit I hear my mother call out my name.

She doesn't sound angry. I feel chills down my back as I gradually walk towards her.

The man with my mother, her colleague gives me a faint smile which I don't return.

"This is Rahul, you have met him before." My mother reminds, raising her eyes denoting that I require to exchange pleasantries with him.

"Hello sir." I say dryly. It comes drier than I intended to. I sound like a nasty teenager who does nothing but sit at home all day. I clear my throat and repeat the hello.

Rahul sir doesn't seem to mind my enthusiasm. Or lack of it.
He replys jubilantly.

"Hello Elenor, hope to see you around more often!"
I smile, wondering why the hell he wants to see me around more often, does he come to the hotel with different ladies every day that we will have to pass a hello every time I see him. For no reason in particular I start to dislike him.

I endeavor not to let my focus go at his wide nose.

"Isabella is more the outgoing one lately," mom explains to him. I don't even think it was required for him to know.
I tap my foot impatiently.

After verbalizing with him scarcely more mom and I leave the hotel. As we sit in the car I look at my mom. She looks shy and breathless. But I inculpate it to my wild imagination.

She commences the engine. I wear my seatbelt.

"He is nice, isnt it?" Mom asks me, not looking at me. She bites her lip as she reverses the car.

I'm a little dumbfounded. I have barely even met him enoughto form a judgement. I dont even like that my mom is meeting some random dude out of work.

"Yes." I verbalize, solely because I don't optate to argue with her.


Ride back home was nice. Mom never allowed me or Isabella to hear music from the radio in the car, but this time when I asked her she said yes. I had to to reiterate the question to confirm that she genuinely heard what I had asked her.

Now I knock at my door. Isabella opens the door. She doesn't look tensed. That surprises me. I sit on the sofa, dad emanates from inside. Mom locks the door after her.

I go to my room to transmute my apparel and freshen up. My throbbing head forces me to lay on my bed. Isabella comes in the room.

"Hi there." She says softly.

I abstract my hand from my head and look at her.

"Are you sleepy? Should I turn off the light?" She asks.

I tell her I'm not sleepy. She ambulates over to the switch and turns off the lights. I dont say anything further because I'm still upset with her about keeping the fact that she knew about our half brother, and didnt tell me. 

The lamp on my bedside is switched on. She brings my medicine's and wordlessly I shove them down my throat after chugging some water.

"Can I trust you to take these on time?" She asks me exhibiting me my tablets.

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