Pale Fire

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This chapter is dedicated to my favourite critic @ismatfk ! She is a great author, with her ability to make every formal situation interesting and the way she writes her old era book "Solving You Riddle" it's so hard to not like it. She has indulged self written poems in the book, which is surely a great treat to the soul!! Check her out!

"You were a distraction from the demons in my mind and devil in my heart."

"Oh, Caleb." I say as the boy with the crocked smile and honey coloured eyes puts his hands on my shoulders to distance us. He is taken aback.

It's been so long. I think as his hands leave my skin.

"Excuse me." He verbalizes as he runs his hand through his tousled hair for a second and swallows as he strides past by me.

The emotion I feel at this moment is beyond words to describe.

The flashbacks of our relation come in, as my head feels dizzy and I fight back the urge to cry.

The handshakes, the kisses. They designated something...the piles of dry leaves he made for me to jump in them..He let me be childlike without judging me. I wore his sweatshirts..

What was it? Was it the holding hands that made me the most jubilant girl that moment. Or the goodnight texts which made my butterflies breath again?

I feel suffocated, as I look around placing my hand on my neck as I navigate a way to the backyard, keeping my head low.

As I get out of the house, I smell wet grass, in the back of my head I endeavor recollecting the chemical structure of this addictive odour.


I roll my eyes at my infrequent 'nerd like' instinct. This makes me smile for a while. As I ideally rub my shoes against the grass, I feel goose pimples on my arms. The Arabian breeze makes a involuntary chill run down my spine. I regret wearing a sleeveless.

"Cold?" I hear someone verbalize, I turn to see on my side to see James canvassing the vacuous empyrean. There aren't any stars out, which still doesn't daze his attention to the dark blanket of clouds.

To my surprise I speak up. "And you are still out here." I don't look at him while communicating, I gaze at the unintesting night empyrean. The moon is a crescent. The only natural source of light now.

"I could ask you same." He says, looking at me in a matter of factly way. I raise my eyebrow, in mock accedence.

"Why alone? I'm sure you have an army of friends?" For some reason I blurt out.

"Being with people doesnt mean that you dont feel alone." He says and I feel that too, being circumvented by people does not indispensably betoken that one don't feel solitary.

"I agree, but it is better to be with people than to be solitary." I tell him veraciously. It's not nice to look alone.
People make fun of loners.
"Why aren't you with people now? You are here alone. Aren't you?" He verbalizes softly, shifting his attention from the welkin to me. It seems rude, but it isn't.

"I needed some time to contemplate my thoughts." I tell him as I shyly look down, scarcely dismayed with his royal features. This boy is a perfection of coffee hues, his hair is the colour of fine chestnut and his eyes are like the senerity of the roaring waves again the dark sand. The light from the loud house embraces his angular face as I descry a minuscule scar on the bride of his nose. His hair is tousled and look so soft. They make me want to run my hands through them.

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