• chapter two (1)

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this was it. the day ron and addy go to hogarts. remember how hell breaks loose if there forced to wake up before 9. well it's 6:30 and addy is all packed and ready to go. ron being the lazy one of them is still asleep but addy didn't care. she had got dressed for the day in muggles clothes as her dad calls them and brushed her hair into a half up half down thingy.

she wrote a white and blue flowered top with baggy, blue jeans and tiny frilly socks along with some docmartins

her mum was downstairs with her and making breakfast while addy sat at the table hooked onto everyword her mother was saying about hogwarts. percy was the only other person ready and was sat at the table next to addy playing magic snap with her to calm her nerves

"and that's why we never went down to the lake again because the mermaids weren't very happy about our late night swim"

"so you went swimming at 4 in the morning with dad and a mermaid tried to kill you. very responsible mother" percy said


"now you've scared me" addy said

"don't worry addelaine i'll be there to help you and if your lucky i will train you to be as respectful and smart as me and in no time you'll be a prefect maybe even headgirl" percy said huffing his chest out

"okay perc" she agreed knowing she'd never do that

"percy love, your dad will be back any minute can you place these out on the table before he gets here" molly said form the stove

"sure mother" percy placed the plates on the table and the cups with a jar full of freshly made orange juice. addys mouth basically became a fountain as soon as she saw the orange juice you could almost see the drool. when no one was looking she gulped down half of the orange just from the jar and put it back to see a unaproving percy and a confused molly

"what- never mind i thought i filled it up more i'll just go gets some more be right back" she turned around to go get some more as percy scowled his sister

"really addeliane what happened to your manners" he lectured

"who ever said she had any" mr weasley joked as he walked in to the house

"dad your home. i'm going to hogworts" addy exclaimed as she jumped onto her dads stomach hugging him.

addy always was different with her parents. not in a bad way though. her dad and her had a close relationship and he'd always tell her about the fascinating muggle things he found. her mum and her had a more distant one for a reason addy didn't know. since mrs weasley didn't have a job of her own she would stay at home with the children. addy would try to talk to her mum when she was younger but she'd just be pushed away. it's not like she's not being treated correctly it's just molly had her suspicions about her daughter 

but with arthur addy was different,  she could get away with almost anything with those puppy eyes. she was the complete replica of both of them, caring, loving, kind, beautiful and brave but she's also witty and feisty.

she got her grandmothers looks and when people see her they gape at her or ask her if she vela. it's a bit creepy for addy but with all her brothers if any boy is within atleast 4 feet of her they'll have the goblins from Egypt on him from bill, the dragons from Romania from charlie, a scary disapproving look from percy which is very very scary, a shit ton of pranks by fred and george and a death stare from ron as well as the fact he'll eat all your food and ginny may be the smallest but has a hard punch so not many boys try.

"i know sweetheart are you excited" mr weasley asked while placing the jumping girl down in her seat. mr weasley and addelaine had a long convocation during breakfast about his time at hogwarts even though addy had heard every last one of the story's atleast 3 times. finally it was 10 o'clock and everyone was getting ready to leave since there was a 110% chance someone would leave something.

"ron, addy have you got your trunks" ron and addelaine nod there heads

"percy do you have your new books and quills" percy nods his head

"okay let's go then"

everyone gets in the car and they drive to the platform. the car was loud. very loud.

ron was singing some song he'd heard in diagonal alley.

percy was reading outloud to mrs and mr weasley.

fred and george were singing with ron but slower and addy was sat there banging her head against the seat

"ronand shut up i swear my ears are bleeding" addy whispered scarily

"rude much" he replied back sassily

"annoying much" she said

"shush addy no one likes you" ron responded like a 2 year older

"was that suppost to be a comeback, wow" addy said sarcastically slow

"wow you" ron responded as addy visually cringed before laughing

"another winner" she clapped slowly

"honestly addy i swear i'll-" he started

"addy, ron" mrs weasley warned

"but mum it was just getting good" the older twins whined but got ignored

"yes mother" addy and ron said innocently.

after 3 more arguments, 2 telling offs, one lecture, one inspirational speech from percy and a hushed whisper conversation between both twin sets about where the good prank places are, they finally arrived outside kings cross station. they rushed inside with only 10 minutes to spare.

"it's the same as every year. pack with muggles of course. cmon" mrs weasley said "platform 9 1/3 this way"

"yes mum we heard the first time" the twins said

"and the 10th time too" ron muttered to addy. she giggled and linked arms with ron while putting her small amount of weight on her trolly staring at ron's new rat like it had grown spots all over its small ratted body.

"um excuse me can you tell me how to uhh" a raven haired asked (loml)

"get on the platform. not to worry dear it's ron and addys first time too" mrs weasley gestured to her 2 youngest twins. ron smiled at the boy proudly earning a small smile from the raven haired boy.

he turned his head to the girl standing beside him staring at the rat in what he presumed to be her twin brothers trolly with disgust. he was awestruck. he had never really been out properly before he found his letter except to mrs figs house but he know girls like that weren't everywhere; her plump red lips, rosie cheeks with freekles placed perfect like theyd been place for perfection, high cheek bones and structured jawline, dark brown eyes that complimented her fiery red hair, her petite skinny figure on her pale smooth skin with the occasional freckle on her arm, her blue baggy jeans on her small legs making her waist look even smaller then the first glace. he snapped out of his thoughts by the loud click on the clock signaling there's five minutes until they leave.

"um if you don't mind" he muttered

"not at all dear. just run straight through and try not to be scared it's quite important" the raven haired boy nodded and got ready to run

"good luck" ginny said with a gobsmacked look. he ran through the wall as the seccond the youngest ginger twin looked up. all she saw was raven coloured hair but she shrugged it off as it was proberly just some random boy whose parents were too busy. addy went after him next to ron and went through the wall. ron mutter something along the lines off  'he must have gone on already' but addelaine ignored it and carried on walking.

after a emotional goodbye from mrs weasley about her youngest son leaving and promises of writing every week they finnaly left for the train covered head to toe in red blush from everyone staring at them for there mum basically wailing at ron for leaving. she gave addy a quick hug and kept ron in her hug for atleast 5 minutes.

they rushed around looking for a compartment but couldn't find one. after 10 minutes they found one with only one person in it. the same raven haired boy from last time. that was the first time they met

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