• chapter eleven (1)

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addy had been having really bad night dreams or whatever Dumbledore calls it and decided to go and see him about it. she'd become very well acquainted with the nurse there and she allowed her to call her poppy after she called her that anyway ignoring her consistently being told to call her madam pomphrey. she knocked on his door after saying the password she's said many times due to this exact reason.

"come in" she walks in and sits down on her favourite red arm chair she's practically claimed "ahhhh addelaine what a lovely surprise i'm sure you've come about your dreams, no?" he spoke calmly

"yes sir, my dreams have been getting worse but it could be like seasonal right, like it's getting closer to christmas so it's colder so i've just been cause i was cold"

"addelaine your trying to deny what's infront of you dear, i know a seer when i see one and i can tell you are one a powerful one at that"

no, no it- i can't" she stuttered

"my dear you are"

"no i can't be- i bet you 1 galleon i'm not and i don't even have 1 galleon so i'm fairly confident i'm not a seer otherwise i'll be in dept to you" she rambled on

"if you let me i can help you"

"you'll fix me"

"you can't fix something that's not broken. your a powerful witch addelaine, your could become more powerful then me at this rate. at the age of 11 you've shown power some people could only dream of"

"i don't want it"

"maybe not now but you will. all bad that comes with it now will prove in the future" he said as he put a comforting hand on her shoulder "but i will take you up on your deal if it's still open" he joked

"as long as you pay up" she shot back jokingly

"if that's all your free to go back to your friends im sure mister potter is missing your company"

"i'm sure i'm not missing him but i'll leave you to whatever it is you were doing" she walked out of his room and as she was about to walk out his door she sighed "i hope you have a happy christmas sir" she smiled politely at the old man near the desk

"you too addelaine" he smiled


a few days had passed since dumbledore and addys chat and addy was feeling very excited to go home and see ginny and not to mention the yorkshire puddings mrs weasley makes for christmas dinner. she was sat in her beroom about to go down to see her brother when a her family own came and sat on her window ledge. she jumped off her bed and went to see what shed been sent and petted the chubby owl before taking the letter off him

dear adds

i am writing this with deep regrets to inform you that we will not be home for christmas and you are not old enough to stay by yourselfs so you and your brothers will stay at school while me, your dad and ginny go to visit charlie. we'll tell him you said hi. sorry about not responding to your letter sooner it seemed erold had gotten lost again but here are the underwear ronald had fogotten, i told him numerous times not to forget them and what did he do, forget them ive done a howler so that he'll remember next time not to make poor erold fly more then he has to. i've also packed your presents

with much love,
mummy and daddy

there was a brown paper bag on the other foot of the owl with a undetected extension charm on. inside was 3 things. a present by the feels of it another jumped which was much needed as he other on was getting abit small. another present which must be from her dad, he always gets her little muggle christmas presents since she shares the 'fascination of muggles' gene as he calls it and the one thing she'd been waiting for. ronalds pink quidditch underwear. she smirked to herself before putting the presents under the christmas tree that was charmed to her room on the 1st of december by the teachers and kept ronalds underwear on her bed

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