• chapter fifty one (4)

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draco was as miserable as you could get, and i mean fully, unbelievably, absolutely miserable

sure he wasn't being physically abused or ignored but being screamed at every diner for not upholding the malfoy name because befriending a half blood aswell as a weasley isn't that greatest thing to do with the last name 'malfoy'

although this efforts to act like his father or please him, draco wanted nothing more but to be his own person not his father or what his father views as a perfect child

he wanted to travel the world but no he must stay in England all his life in a large, cold manor and work at the ministry like his father

he wanted to fall in love and have a romance which makes you feel constantly giddy yet calm or where you feel like your floating but no, he must be put into a marriage law by 18 and be arranged into a marriage to a complete, pureblood, stranger who probably is a blood obsessed, raving lunatic like his aunt or many cousins

he also wanted to be nice, to be friends with potter and go on his adventures or stay at addys for christmas and laugh and sing carols all night long but no, he must represent the malfoy name and act emotionless or cruel.

'us malfoys are better then the lower class vermin, we don't need to pretend to like them, we'll only look weak and pathetic, like the weasleys or potters but look where that got them, either dead or poor. h-a imagine' his father would say to him

but to be honest he didn't see a problem with muggles or muggleborn. i mean take granger for instance shes the smartest witch of her age and she's a muggle or addy, she's a pureblood but thick as a slice of bread, she barely passed her classes and slept through all the exams, not that draco was judging, he loved addy for her personality not her smarts, because trust me, if he did, she wouldn't even have enough smarts to call it love

point being, he didn't care nor want to be his fathers son, scratch that he didn't want to be his father, end of but he was stuck. stuck in this web of lies he was told as a kid, the lies of blood supreme, the dirty blood, the blood traitors and mud bloods. it was all a insecure lie made up by pureblood arses who had such a tiny ego they had to get some by taking an innocent muggleborn and kicking them to the dirt for nothing but them being smarter then the purebloods

back to the present, right now he was sat in his room doing some extra credit history of magic work that his father made the proffesor send him two weeks into the summer holidays. lucius was very strict about work, and very pissed off when he found out a 'mudblood' was top of the year not draco. he has 4 clear scars around his stomach from his fathers snake cane to prove it.

his bed was a plain white sheet over-covered by a green silk throw. his pillows lined up perfectly by the headboard as his pale, lanky body sat on it crinkling the blankets on his mattress. on his bedside table, he had an average glass of water where condensation rippled down the glass onto the oak countertop through the thin piece of tissue he'd put the glass on.

books after books sat lined up behind the glass with their old classic spines reading out; romeo and juliet, little women, pride and prejudice, the great gatspy and to kill a mockingbird. all these books spines were cracked and worn and the fronts all had sticky index posts, and inside had scribbled writings which annotated the collection of the stories. 

the last object was a white gladiolus flower in a crystal jar which was at a 90 degree angle perfectly facing his double chest draws that held his black suits and iron pressed uniform. on top of the draws was his black suit ready for the quidditch match and on top of that was another matching one for theo incase he forgot his. if draco had to look like an expensive snob so did theo

draco had it all planned out, his whole rescuing theo plan ratio

- find a way to let theo go to the world cup with him and his family (check)

- tell theo to pack his entire hogwarts case books and clothes included (check)

- get theo to his house without his father throwing a fit beforehand

- clean theo up and heal his wounds and cuts

- get to the world cup safely and bring firewhiskey

- meet up after the match in the woods with addy and drink the firewhisky

- go home and wait for hogwarts

sure the plan wasn't very detailed but draco was doing the best he could for theo, he thought very highly of theo, he was strong, mentally and physically, smart, caring, loyal, selfless and kind. all the things he wants to be, or at least have in his life

theo was his closet friend and he didn't mind that he wasn't theo's, i mean it was clear addy was but being his close friend was good enough for him

addy and theo had something draco wanted, no needed. they had a bond everyone would wish for atleast once in their lives. they loved each other more then themselves, hell they'd die for each other in a heartbeat and that's what draco wanted. if draco was to be taken by kidnappers to be tortured and killed no one would help, they'd maybe give him a short, cold laugh and a sarcastic wave and walk away leaving him to die, so to say draco was jealous of them was an understatement. but he was happy for them, to find their platonic soulmate so early in life and be able to go through the ups and downs together was a gift, and draco wouldn't ruin it for either of them. not that he'd be able to anyway, first, they were joined by the hip, always together he wouldn't even have chance to try and talk to one alone before the other is there, and seccond, he didn't have the balls to deal with a angry theo or addy. theo and addy understood each other's anger and pain making them a good mix, draco would proberly cry it out whereas they would ignore it or maybe joke it out. but draco was just glad he had friends that close because he knew addy and theo would help him, as much as they could with his situation whilst ignoring theirs

"draco" his mother called

"yes mother" he yelled back from his room but it sounded more like 'pes motder' since he had 2 highlighters held in his mouth as he annotated animal farm for the 5th time

"it's time to get theo now, are you coming to get him-" and before his mother could finish her sentence he'd already jumped out of his bed and ran to the banister hanging over slightly

"yes" he declared loudly and rather excitedly running down the stairs missing two steps at once and tripping up slightly before readjusting himself while coughing to hide his embarrassment "i mean yeah, sure, i'm have time to spare i guess" he rambled on

"it's okay to be excited to see your bestfriend dear" she said soothingly as she walked over and stroked his messy hair down

"oh- he's not my best friend, addys his best friend. well he is mine kind of but i'm not his you know- not that i want to be his or more then his best friend- when did i say that- your completely bending the point of this- i'm just trying to be his friend not best friend or more i swear" he rambled on unconvincingly to his mother who smiled lightly at her son

"whatever you say draco, i'm sure you aren't trying to be more then-" she was interrupted by lucius' cold voice

"more then best friends- you better not be talking about draco dating because we've already discussed this, draco is to be arranged to a pureblood girl when he's 18- so no more talk about this" he sneered whilst dracos smile dropped instantly into a frown

"yes father" "yes lucius"

"good- now are we going to get theo or not, i don't have much time for this nonsense"

a smile lit on dracos face as his body filled with excitement yet nerves- wait why was he nervous it was just theo after all, his friend theo

"draco, go on and get him and i'll go after you" lucius pointed to the jar of floo powder on his fireplace in his office which looked as dull and dark as lucius himself. ignoring the paperwork on his desk he floo-ed to the nott manor with a grin attached his to his pale face

but what he didn't know is that he should have looked at the paperwork and not ignored it because it was important- very important with a name on top of the ministry file of the person who would be either the key to voldemort winning or the problem

addelaine issabella weasley

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