• chapter twelve (1)

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after addy had gone upstairs harry had received a invisibility cloak that was anonymously given. he'd taken ron and addy to this mirror he'd found when looking for the book hermione told them to find but trailed upon this after seeing professor snape and quirrell. ron had seen himself as quidditch captain and head boy whereas addy saw her self, normal, no nightmares, no seer prophecy's just addy. harry had seen his parents and told them about it but missed out the part where he saw him and addy as grownups holding hands with wedding bands on but his parents were old and he'd grown up.

apparently professor dumbledore had been watching harry go to the mirror and had decided to move it. harry had been going for weeks not only to watch his parents but to see him and addelaine married.

"addelaine are you quite alright dear" professor dumbledore asked

"i- uh yeah i just i came to tell you about my dream- you know what it doesn't matter it's nothing i'm just being paranoid-" addy said

"it's quite alright you can tell me i have all day" he reasoned

she took her red armchair seat and began telling the professor everything  "it's just i had another dream but it wasn't like the other, it was more vivid, like i was there almost, i just- i don't know, professor quirrell was there and harry and the number 18 and it sounds ridiculous but a dark aura was coming off quirrell i don't know it might be my mind playing but i just, it was- stupid. sorry professor, i freaked out over everything and i have a essay coming up for quirrell and harrys been annoying me more then usual i guess it just you know added up sorry for wasting your time sir" she rambled quickly

"vivid you say, yes well the older you come the more control you gain and the more lifelike it will become and it's alright to be paranoid i often find myself becoming paranoid but when i do i either have a long massage or a large cup of firewiskey and a pipe but i advise you not to do the seccond option" he said calmly

"so nothing to worry about i'm not i don't know become more of a freak"

"your not a freak addelaine, your special and magnificent and will one day become a powerful witch you just have to control it. confront and accepting your a seer and letting me train you will help"

"i'm sorry sir it's just i don't know i just feel so weird admiting it. i don't like the word i guess" she laughed heavily and awkwardly

"it's alright dear, you better get to class though it's nearly starting"

"shit, i mean shitzu your right i'll ugh see you later professor have a nice day, i love you- wait no i don't sorry habit, mum,  you know sorry again bye"

"what a odd child. and she says i'm on drugs" dumbledore mumbled

"i heard that dumbles" she yelled as he laughed under his breath


running to catch up with hermione, ron and harry in the dark she yells for them to slow down but they ignored her

"hey gingy, frizzy, specy slow down you gits" she yells

"addelaine you can't call your friends that" hermione lecture

"yes addykins it's extremely rude you don't talk to your future husband like that" harry says wrapping his arms around addys legs allowing her to jump on his back which she accepted with blushing cheeks that she would refuse she had if confronted about it

"i don't see leonardo dicaprio anywhere harold but if you do plead do tell me" she teases as he huffs before blushing as she kisses his cheek whispering in his ear "it's alright harold you'll always be my 100th choice if my others cancel" before he huffs again. as they walk to hagrid, well everyone walks except addy who is still on harrys back, they start taking about the philosophers stone and how it's been stolen by snape resulting in a eye roll from addy. not that she could tell anyone, she was a seer even if she wasn't going to admit it to dumbledore she knew he was right and snape might be a right greesy slug but this was not him. call it seer talking or whatever but there was no way.

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