• chapter twenty (2)

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transfiguration was a bore per usual so addy sat there at the back next to harry playing with his fingers. not the harry minded. she slide her skinny ones down his long ones drawing patterns on his hand prints and colour his nails in with her quill. she'd drawn the letter a and a flower thing ,although it looked more like a sun in harrys opinion, aswell as a wand.

harry was drawing on her hand aswell drawing a h and an a divided with a + while a heart was around the initials. he'd also drawing little smiley faces all over the back of the palm and drew some wiggly lines going along her fingers. he coloured them in so it was more bold making addy roll her eyes knowing no water would get this off for atleast 2 days

"adde- miss weasley where is you frog it's not a goblet" proffesor mcgonagall asked as harry and addy hid there hands under the desk

"i set it free" she smiled sheepishly thinking about her punishments. addelaine mcgonagall was about to shout at her she saw harrys hand interwine with addys under the table calming her breathing down as he rubbed circles on her knuckles she turned around looking at everyone else doing the spell and the frogs crocking and through the corner of her eye she saw harry kiss her hands making addy smile thankfully and calming her. she turned back around was a tight smile on her face before signing

"very well, we all know you've proberly saved this frogs life from mister potters continuous talking anyway" she turned away sadly thinking off her two old students who loved each other deeply until the end. addy and harry sat there drawing on each other's papers, hands still interlocked with each other on harrys thigh as his eyes glued themselves to it not wanting to look away while mcgonagall explained the chamber to the class.

walking out of the class, harry held addys back the whole way back with his and her hands still together both not wanting to let go knowing that the comfort and warmth will go away. hermione and ron bickered the whole way back about malfoy being the heir of slytherin

"listen i'm not the biggest fan of the guy, but i'm telling you now it's not him, i was with him all last weekend when the attack happened and he told me himself that it wasn't him and how his dad was sending more information later this week" addy explained being ignored too all but harry

"ron. hermione" she tried again only a gaining harsh attention again

"i believe you" harry said softly. smiling she let go off his hand before saying she's going to see the other 3 and walking off

"where did addy go" ron asked after 5 minutes of her presence being gone

"uhh to see theo and pansy and brier she said" harry said

"why did you let her go. oh merlin she's always doing this going off with them, there slytherin and bad influences on her. and she didn't even tell us for merlin sake" he sighed angrily

"well if you ,i don't know, maybe listened to her every once in a while you'd know where she's gone, no only did she explain to you how it isn't malfoy she also tried to get your attention 2 times but you to continued argueinr ignoring her. she went to her other friends. the ones who listen to her and don't ignore her" harry said raising his voice into a shout at ron before stomping away to the common room to his bed where he got out his homework to do angrying before seeing addys small doodles on his work instantly calming him down

hermione and ron shared a guilty look before continuing talking about poly juice potion. in the end they decided not to mention it to addy because her being friends with draco and not agreeing with them. what they didn't know was that a certain seer was listening to the whole thing starting at ron's rant about her friends to harrys speech because she dropped her quill moments before


addy was sitting in dumbldores office for her 2nd time this week

"and then boom. he dissaperated and i was left with the blame so i ran. i ran as fast as i could to hide and then boom again i found him and turned him in" dumbledore explain to addy as she sat in her red arm chair in his office.

"dam young dumbes got moved" addy replied as he chuckled

"i'm going to get some more sherbets lessons want to come and get some?" he asked standing up reaching for the bowl to see addy already on the stairs with it in her hands. in these weeks addy and dumbledore have gotten closer and have been learning how to control her powers. he often thinks of addy as a granddaughter since he had no child of his own he wasn't able to have one but with addy he could. he told her stories of his life and all the exciting adventures while eating sherbets lessons in their armchairs. he'd been teaching her to control her powers and now she can create fire in her palm without having to go into her trance. she could throw it, start it, end it and spread it. she had learned water aswell and could do the same. she was currently learning for smoke and could only spread it through a room creating a barrier with it. she'd make it posinous and make it so they can come out in boils or one to soothe everyone making it heal. she'd even read about how your patronus could turn into flames above the person creating not only a shield but a weapon. so addy was more then happy to continue her lessons. she'd realised yeah maybe she's a monster but a powerful monster.

as she was scooping up them from a tub dumbldore had spread she'd heard him talking but ignored it thinking he'd be talking to his phoenix again.

coming down she saw harry and dukbldore shaking hands. she awkwardly stood there and coughed getting both there attention

"addykins" harry exclaimed confused to why she was here

"addelaine" dumbledore said "your free for the rest of today why don't you follow mister potter to the common room and have him teach you some wizard chess. i need a good opponent" he stayed

"hey i'm a great opponent dumbles" addy argued as dumbledore raised his eyebrows "okay maybe not brilliant but i'm okay at it" addy reasoned "fine i'm terrible but at least i admitted it" she paused "in the end" she waved to dumbledore walking out, harry following closely behind


hermione and ron and harry sat in the by poly juice potion swirling it around in the pot

"the potions not done yet maybe 2 more weeks i don't know" hermione said "it would be much easier with another set of hands, if any of you want to help" hermione huffs

"not bloody likely" ron laughs

"if you want the potion to work i wouldn't suggest myself to do it either" harry says "i still think we should tell addy" harry suggests

"no" they both say at the same time "she's friends with the evil barbies she'll just go and tell them" ron says before hermione "she'll most likely tell them or warn them, if you want it to work you have to trust us"

"i do i do, just not as much as i trust addy" he says quietly

"look i love my sister i do" ron starts "but she had this thing, she's very powerful now but she won't think she's powerful enought, she's like a power hungry person in general, these slytherin friends are only making it more, it's one of the slytherin traits, trust me on this" ron says softly putting a hand on my shoulder

"she's also kind and caring and loveinf and your her brother you should trust her. she's doing her own thing let her so what if she had new friends, look i'm not so keen on this whole new friend thing i think there going to steal addykins away every time i see her with them but she likes them and she's happy with them, so no matter what if she's happy i am so i do trust her with this. she wouldn't tell them if she knows we're going to get proved wrong, she's honest and true, do you even realise half the time you say she spends with them she's with dumbldore learning to control her powers. you saying she's power hungry is wrong in so many ways she doesn't want this or need it she's strong enough by herself, hell if she was a muggle she'd still be stronger then all of us. she doesn't need friends to make her feel powerful, me and you both know she doesn't like her powers so stop acting as if she does. just, just get me when this is done i'm going to find addy and ask to hang out, bye" he says picking up his bag walking away fuming at how there treating her leaving ron and hermione guilty once again


hi lol i got data but not enough to post just to find the time line so yeh bye

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