• chapter eight (1)

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after 2 arguements with ron about how it's not impossible to be on the quidditch term addy and ron finally agreed that they had forgiven each other.
"... it's in your blood" addy snapped out of her trance as hermione confronted harry. all four of them, after going up the stair to the trophy hallway panting and sweating, looked at the quiddich throphy that his dad had won. harry sighed and touched the glass closing his eyes as if, if he closed his eyes long enough he could touch his dads finger prints that were on their years before that. he now felt eger to do quiddich now since his dad did, almost like he was connected to his dad somehow. they walked off up the stairs to the commons room when harry took his opportunity and wrapped his arm around addys shoulders knowing she'd be to tired to even knock them off. he smirked to himself when he got confirmation he was right about it by her rolling her eyes and continueing to walk. half way through walking they started to feel anxious as the stairs started to move around. not realising it addy walked forward with a loveydovey harry attached to her like he would die if he let go onto the third floor. the forbidden floor. hermione, unlike addy, seemed to realised and scowled herself for being so stupid not to notice sooner. it was all quiet. to quiet. i mean yes there was the constent sound of chatter from the other floors and the scratching and scraping of the stairs moving not to mention the slow breaths of the four kids but it was still quiet. that was until a meow was heard. the four quickly ran as fast as they could to a empty broom cupboard to hide knowing who's cat it was

harry jumped out of his skin at the sound dragging addy with him who dragged ron who went to get her hermione to find out his sister had whisper-shouted her and she'd already set off infront of him. harry pushed them into the closet and pulled addy close to him. his chin on her head while his arms cover her body. addy pushed him off with a huff and glared at him receiving a wink and a smirk in return

'3 and a half seccond to push away. if i didn't know better addykins i'd say your falling in love with me' he mouthed

'honestly harold, you love yourself enough for the both of us maybe even more' she mouthed back with a sassy look printed onto her face

"anyone here my sweet... cmon" everyone visually let out a breath of relief and went to open the door. as addy looked to find harry and the others following her, her eyes landed on a huge 3 headed dog drooling over them.

"he proberly thinks it was locked"

"it was locked"

"and for good reason" addy breathed out. everyone turned around and screamed leaving their voice raspy and throat sore screaming in pain. grabbing everyone's uniform, addy runs out the room slamming the door shut as the dog bangs on it. after locking the door the four of them left to go back to theirs rooms

"honestly this school gets weirder and weirder" addy mumbled to ron who nodded in agreement

"what do they think there doing with a thing like that lying around in a school" ron shouted

"you don't use your eyes do you" hermione stated ignoring or not noticing the glare addy sent her for offending her brother after he just stated a fact "it was standing on something, a trap door he's obviously it's guarding something" she confidently said

"sorry we were abit preoccupied with its heads with a s. if you didn't realise there were 3. not something normal dogs have" addy said as hermione rolled her eyes

"now if you three don't mind i'm going to bed before you come up with another brilliant idea to get us killed or worse... expelled" hermione whisper-shouted at the trio

"she needs to sort out her priorities" ron and addy said simultaneously. harry nodded before speaking up

"you to need to stop doing that it's really scary"

"stop what" they said together "stop this" they asked "talking together" they both replied "stop it then" they bother turned to each other "no you stop it" they glared "honestly i was talking first"

"right goodnight then boys" addy kissed ron's head ignoring the fact he's like 3 inches taller than her and went to leave before harry grabbed her wrist

"good night addykins" he said before kissing her cheek. as cute as addy found it she was to suborn to act like she enjoyed it so she wiped it off with a sarcastic smile. she walked up the stairs smiling to her self but if anyone saw she'd deny it

"you'll love me one day"

"we'll see harold"

"that we will" he smiled as he shouted it and continued following ron to bed. both went to bed with smiles attached to their faces.


i fogot to do a playlist for everyone so here is a small little one. comment the songs you fit the character or relationship <3

harry and addelaines song describing there relationship-
chase atlantic: friends

ron and addelaines song describing their relationship-
MGMT: kids

hermione and addelaines song describing their relationship-
g-easy: lazy killer (christopher andersson remix)

justin timberlake: what goes around comes around

lady Gaga- jadas

marty mcfly: luke christopher

mac demarco: my kind of woman

coyote theory: the side of paradise

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